B. says:

As usual, Mim3, you are using TYPICAL arguments that are ego-projective and IGNORANT of the INNER nature of what we're saying. No, I haven't read everything even by REICH that I can get my hands on: I have limited time and interest. Reich is deep, so are the things Tani says (even MORE so with her). You fit everything into your honkey paradigm, where you imagine that everyone acts like garbage white people. Tani DOESN'T act like that, she is NOT like that, her FEELINGS and DESIRES etc are OTHER, and they are also NATURAL and free-flowing without mental obfuscation or confusion. I can see this about her every time I talk to her, the LACK of ego or holding back that whites ALWAYS do, including me.

My judgement on MacKinnon is this: she is a white Irish preta. The only way her stuff could be of value would be if she had clarity into her own sick world, which almsot NONE of them do. I have TOO MUCH (for my own sanity) experience with white preta women, including "feminists" such as the teacher I mentioned, they are ego-infected GARBAGE. SCUM, pent up FILTH. MacK said "all sex is rape" because she FELT this, just as ALL white-xian preta women feel this pent up FILTHINESS from sex with their worthless men. Those FEELINGS are the basis of her theory.

By the way, here's a thought on Feminism inspired by my government teacher: I agree that these WHITE PRETA MEN, and, to varying degrees, most other men too, are scum. But WHO RAISES these diseased men, who gives BIRTH to them, who MATES with them?? Their FUKKING FILTHY HAG WOMEN DO. PERIOD.