I think that MIM, like most Westerners (esp whites) read Reich incorrectly. Did MIM notice, for instance, that Reich pointed out how people who DON'T get good orgasms become obsessed with sex---in "Listen, Little Man!", he criticizes society's monomaniacal obsession with sex (MENTAL). It is this kind of MENTALLY focused sex that is the HALLMARK of this white American society, and THE NUMBER ONE reason that it is so fukked up. Did you ever, duh, notice that whites are OBSESSED with sex, be they the "pervert" or "prude" variety?? Sexual repression is THE PROBLEM, and this REPRESSED mentally sublimated sex (and the state of BEING of such an individual) is why, e.g. you have the "Eroticization [sic] of Power]." I tried to point that out before, but you didn't want to hear it. I think this is because YOU are "chakra blocked" from hearing it, frankly; i.e., YOU have this sublimated state of being that Tani has described, wherein the BRAIN/MIND controls the body like a dictator, and all feeling centers below the head are held in THRALL, and are subsequently IN CHAOS (unordered and unconscious) as Tani said.

I don't think you'll hear me. Fine, so be it. If you IMAGINE that sexual repression is not a big problem in this society, as so many other white intellectuals do, so be it. Interestingly, when we watched that woman Willey's 60 Minutes interview (she is accusing Clinton of sexual harassment), the teacher asked for comments and I said that she was EXTREMELY sexually repressed---my government teacher (who has given me other problems to, and who is, of course, a cerebral WHITE jew who fancies herself a feminist) blurted out "That was a damn fool thing to say " (!) , and said it a second time when I asked to make sure I heard her right. I said I meant that like FREUD meant it, that the woman couldn't even talk about her BREASTS without using vague meaningless language. I also said she was TYPICAL of American women in this respect. HA! I was right, and my teacher's KNEE JERK reaction says OH SO much (and YES, I considered that she misinterpreted me, and concluded that she SHOULD know I don't say things thoughtlessly or without considerable KNOWLEDGE behind me).