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John and Alexandra

About Me. . .

When John and I met and started daydreaming about all the things we wanted to do in our life together, I never imagained we would end up in Kyiv, Ukraine! I love our life here, and I rejoice that God has brought us here to serve the growing Church. We want to thank the our dear friends and family who have encouraged us, supported us, and sacrificed for us along the way.

I began my webpage in fall '99 with a library book, "HTML for Kids." After being reinspired by Jeri at Gentle Blessings Web Design, I started to learn CSS and rework these pages. But now I've decided to leave them as they are, with minimal updates. I'm building a new website using CSS and MT, that in time will incorporate much of the pages here, along with a weblog. As we move around, I've come to more greatly appreciate the web for staying in touch with friends, as well as having an creative outlet to develop some of my thoughts. I invite you to come visit my new home online: TulipGirl.Com.

John and I have been together for over a decade now and every day I realize more what a gift he is from God. This picture is from August 2002, in Schevchenko Park, Kyiv.

About Missions. . .

"God is calling us above all else to be the kind of people whose theme and passion
is the supremacy of God in all of life." --John Piper

  • Please check out our new family webpage about being in Kyiv.
  • Mark your calendars! MTW's Global Missions Conference is November 8, 9, and 10, 2002, in Atlanta, Georgia. Go! It will be great! Dal Stanton will be there representing the work that is going on here in Ukraine.
  • We arrived in Kyiv, Ukraine on November 27, 2001. We are working with a church planting team organized by Mission to the World.
  • Check out our new city! See Independence Square in the Kyiv city centre.
  • Timeline of Ukraine history.
  • We invite you to recieve our quarterly prayer letter. Please send physical mailing address to
  • Both John and I grew up in primarily non-denominational churches. We now belong to thePresbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA has a higher missionary to church member ratio than just about any other denomination! You can also read different PCA articles on the Web at PCANews.Com.
  • Nate and Paula Wilson's Homepage has been very influential in my life. Through their website and e-mails with Paul, I first really understood there is still a great NEED for cross-cultural evangelism. People all over the world have STILL not heard of Jesus and God's amazing grace towards us. Be sure to peruse the Database and read "Biblical Motives for Missions." Check out their current family photo, too. The Wilson's are a great family--we were blessed to visit with them in July 2000.
  • John and I spent a semester studying Russian at Columbia International University, through the Russian Language Ministries program. It was an excellent program and I recommend it hightly. Please continue to pray for John and I as we learn to communicate in Russian.
  • The Westminster Confession of Faith on Missions
  • Mission Network News is a great daily source of mission news around the world.

About Staying in Touch. . .

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Last Updated April 10, 2004