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MS-DOS Internal Commands

The DOS Command


Specifies that MS-DOS should maintain a link to the upper memory area, load part of itself into the high memory area (HMA), or both.

Command Syntax:


Explanation of Syntax:

[UMB|NOUMB]specifies whether MS-DOS should manage upper memory blocks (UMBs)created by a UMB provider such as EMM386.EXE. The UMB parameter specifies that MS-DOS should manage UMBs, if they exist. The NOUMB parameter specifies that MS-DOS should not manage UMBs. The default setting is NOUMB.

[HIGH|LOW]specifies whether MS-DOS should attempt to load a part of itself into the HMA (HIGH) or keep all of MS-DOS in conventional memory (LOW). The default setting is LOW.

Command Use:

This command can only be used in the config.sys file.