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Roselash Chocha's Corner

Hi, I'm Roselash. The more you get to know me, the more you will see that I have quite an interesting life. For instance, the weekend of May 30, I happened to both have a run-in with Scott Weiland and also a very peculiar date with Mike Dirnt from Green Day. Of course, Billie was busy (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) with Alliram. But I got Mike.....yummy that's good enough for me. Anyway, first me and Scott had a few drinks and discussed his new album. Then, we parted company (little did I know he was packin some heroin....) and I met up with Mike. Of course, because of my incredible good looks and my awesome body, Mike was drooling all over the place. I asked him a few questions and then, well, you know. It was quite a day. Me and Mike are gonna keep in touch cause he was very into me. And I must say, the feeling was mutual. So, my little chochis, Rosellash must go. But I will grace you with my wisdom once again in a few weeks. BiBye!

OOOO this is my favorite pic of Mike...I got it from the Green Day Obsessed Dried Pickle Club (see Link Page) which is really cool and you should join it:
Mike Pic

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