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Scriptures On Thankfulness

1 Ne. 2:7 Lehi Builds Alter to give Thanks
Mosiah 2:19 You ought to thank your Heavenly King
Mosiah 24:21 people of Alma give thanks
Alma 7:23 Always Return Thanks
Alma 37:37Let thy heart be full of thanks
Morm. 9:31 Give thanks for imperfections
D&C 46: 32 Give thanks unto God for blessings
D&C 59:7, 62:7, Thankful heart
D&C 78:19 Thankful people will be made glorious,
D&C 98:1 Give thanks in all things


Thanksgiving game

1. Prayer, Song, "Count your many blessings". (Get a large piece of poster board and draw a tree with lots of branches. Using colored paper, cut out lots of leaves for each person. (At least 5 each) Start by having family members tell five things they are thankful for and write them down on a paper. (If they are duplicated have them mention something else so there is not all of the same blessing up on the tree. You want every blessing that your are thankful for different on the tree.)

2. Have each person write the things that they are thankful for on their leaves. (Making sure that they are all different).

3. One at a time have each family member go up an place a leaf up on the tree (use tape), and tell why they are thankful for the blessing mentioned.

4. When the tree is full of leaves,then discuss why these blessings are so important. (make sure testimony, Heavenly father, and Jesus Christ, family, Knowledge, & our lives, are up there)

5. Now tell each family member that they must remove the least important blessings. That all of our blessings will be taken away at this point.

6. One by one have them choose the things that are not of major importance.

7. There will be a point that you get to your life. Tell them that it is alright to give up your life on earth because you will always be alive and live.

8. When you are down to; testimony, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, love, family, & knowledge, stop the game. Tell family members that these are the most important blessings we have that will be with us for eternity. That they will never be taken away from us.

9.That is why we as family members should work on in this life. nothing else really matters because it can all be taken away from us.

10.Song; "I need Thee Every Hour" & Prayer. desert.


In 1623 a day of fasting and prayer during a period of drought was changed to one of thanksgiving because the rain came during the prayers. Gradually the custom prevailed in New England of annually celebrating thanksgiving after the harvest. Let us give thanks for all we have and always have an attitude of gratitude!


Gratitude is a state of appreciation, an act of thanksgiving, which causes us to be humble because we recognize an act of kindness, service, or caring from someone else which lifts us and strengthens us.
Ingratitude is the attitude of being unaware or not recognizing when someone has assisted us or helped us or, even worse, when we know we have been helped and have not given thanks privately or publicly. In some quiet way, the expression and feelings of gratitude have a wonderful cleansing or healing nature. Gratitude brings warmth to the giver and the receiver alike. Gratitude expressed to our Heavenly Father in prayer for what we have brings a calming peace--a peace which allows us to not canker our souls for what we don't have. Gratitude brings a peace that helps us overcome the pain of adversity and failure. Gratitude on a daily basis means we express appreciation for what we have now without qualification for what we had in the past or desire in the future. A recognition of and appreciation for our gifts and talents which have been given also allows us to acknowledge the need for help and assistance from the gifts and talents possessed by others.
Gratitude is a divine principle: "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things." (D&C59:7.) This scripture means that we express thankfulness for what happens, not only for the good things in life but also for the opposition and challenges of life that add to our experience and faith. We put our lives in His hands, realizing that all that transpires will be for our experience. When in prayer we say, "Thy will be done," we are really expressing faith and gratitude and acknowledging that we will accept whatever happens in our lives. That we may feel true gratitude for the goodness of God for all the blessings that have been given to us and express those feelings of thankfulness in prayer to our Heavenly Father, is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen".
Hales Robert D.Gratitude for the Goodness of God talk 92-Apr


Perhaps we could take a page out of the law of ancient Israel and call "time-out." Let us make a list of those basic activities that add value to eternal man and woman and determine in our year of jubilee that we will discontinue those activities that are of little value and worth that might even jeopardize our eternal welfare. Let us place higher priority on family prayer, family scripture study, and family home evenings and eliminate those activities that fill our lives with worldliness and evil.

I hope it is clearly evident when the world looks at us that we are known for our buoyancy--that we live, believe, and practice real Christian ideas and doctrine. May God bless us that we may look forward to a new century with faith, testimony, confidence, and determination to better prepare ourselves for the eternal life we are all seeking. May the new year begin with the sound of trumpets and joyful shouts as we make the most of this coming year of jubilee is my humble prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
October 1999 Elder L. Tom Perry
A Year of Jubilee


Thanksgiving Menu

1. Turkey, or Ham, or Both
2. Corn Cheese Cassarole
3. Mashed Potatoes and gravy
4. Yams
5. Stuffing (Mrs Cubbisons is my favorite with apple slices, walnuts, onions, and celery).
6. Carrot, celery, and vegetable, olive, cracker & cheese Platter
7. Peas, corn
8. Cranberry sauce
9. Dinner rolls 10. Fruit or Jello salad
11. Deserts (pies, cobblers, fudge



From the kitchen of

Melissa Munn

1 Can whole corn
1 lb Can cream corn
2 Eggs
2/3 Cups evap. milk
4 Tblsp. butter
1 Tblsp. Minced onion
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Pepper
2 Cups coarsely crushed soda crackers
12 oz. Diced cheese (Cheddar) 1/2 inch squares

Drain liquid from corn into cup, Beat egg in large bowl Stir in corn & 1/4 cup liquid from corn. Blend in :
Milk, Butter, Onion, Salt, Pepper Fold in crackers and cheese. Spoon into 11" by 7" Pyrex dish

Bake 325* - 350*
1 hour



___________________/BREAD RECIPES\____________

from Grandma Vera Klous


1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup lukewarm water
1/4 cup shortening
4 TBSP yeast
8 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
4 tsp salt

Let rise double it's size once. Then punch down and leave for 10 minutes. Shape into rolls. Let rise and bake.

Cinnamon rolls in muffin pans. Put in bottom of each muffin pan,

1 1/2 tsp Brown sugar
1/2 tsp melted butter
3 or 4 pecans


Pumpkin Roll

3 eggs (beat 5 minutes and add:)
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup pumpkin
1 tsp. lemon juice
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp.soda

Beat well. Grease and flour a 11X15? cookie sheet. Pour mixture in and bake 15 minutes at 375°. Let sit in pan 5 minutes. Dump out onto a dish towel sprinkled with a little powdered sugar. Roll up with dish cloth. Cool 1 hour in fridge. Unroll and spread with filling.

Cream cheese filling:

8 oz. cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tbs. margarine.

Beat well and spread on pumpkin roll. Roll up and chill.



1 cup sugar
½ cup flour or ¼ cup cornstarch
¼ tsp salt
3 cups milk
Microwave until thick.
7 egg yolks beat into top mixture
Microwave until boiling
Add: 3 TBSP butter
2 tsp vanilla

Banana Creme

In baked 10" pie shell add Bananas on bottom. Put some filling, add more Bananas, then more filling.

Coconut Creme

Add ½ bag or 1 lb minus about ¼ cup for garnish on top of meringue. Add coconut to filling and pour into baked 10" pie crust. Top pies with meringue. Top meringue before you bake meringue. Bake until browned.
