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Kilen Mathews - Internet Journalist/ Consultant For Speaking engagements, research or web design Email:

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Click here to read Matthew Kleinosky's Column: Double Click - Computing for the Masses...
 PC WORLD Columns / Series
Computer Basics
Internet Basics Columns
Internet Basics Columns
Kilen's New PC Wolrd Column: Computing People In History
Featuring Profiles of Famous as well as lesser know giants in the History of Computing...
  • Charles Babbage
  • Grace Hopper
  • Alan Turing
  • Jonathan Postel
  • Ada Lovelace
  • Herman Hollerith
  • Jonathan Atanasoff
  • Kilen's Articles published in the online edition of PC World -Egypt:
    Web Page Freebies
    There are -- believe it or not -- dozens of Free Webpage Providers (FWPs) out there vying to give you a free site. - Free Arabic/English E-mail
    New free Web based service offers free bilingual E-mail.
    USAID Conducts Cairo Y2K Conference
     A four-day conference dedicated to the year 2000 problem

    Instant Messaging: Are you Online?
    Free services make it easy to communicate with your friends while you're all logged on to the Internet
    Credit Card Safety
    It is safe to use your credit card on the Internet - if you know the rules.
    Easy Link
    Link Egypt Launches First Internet Access Prepaid Card

    Creatures of the Net
    Bots are crawling the Net. Here's how to use them - to see and be seen.
    Maktoob's Virtual Arabic Trick 
    Graphic simulation allows bilingual e-mails to be exchanged without using an Arabic keyboard. 


    Some of Kilen's other recent Articles for PC-World Egypt
    1999-February-Internet Basics
    Safe to use Credit Cards on the Internet?
    HTML Viruses (Not yet) a serious threat
    Y2K Watch - Ready, Set ... Fail
    1999-January -INTERNET Basics
    Sending Faxes over the Internet
    1998_December-Computer Basics: Email Y2K Watch - Windows fixes
    Web Sites- For Egyptians Abroad Get and Maintain Your own Web Page!
    1998-October-Computer Basics
    Spreadsheets-Playing "What-If?"
    1998-November-Computer Basics:
    Where did the Internet come from?
    1998-September: Web For Kids
    Egyptian-made web sites for children
    Hands-On Donors
    International aid agencies and IT Training
    September Computer Basics
    Word Processing
    Year 2000 Watch
    U.S. Worldnet Satellite Discussion
    September Commentary
    Lead us out of the land of Denial
    1998-July Computer Basics
    The Operating System
     Y2k Watch
     Editorial: Rewriting History...Electronically  

    Some of Kilen's Articles appearing  in the Middle East Times:
    Software Easter Eggs (not online yet) ** Y2K Fact and Fiction **
    1998-04-20: Online Shopping in Egypt!
    Free (and  Really cheap) Faxing on the Internet Oracle Egypt Commitment to the Region
    (How Hard) Will the Millenium Bug Bite (You)?  Computer Virus Hoaxes! 
    Free Stuff on the Internet - Part 1  Viruses: False Authority Syndrome
    Free Stuff on the Internet - Part 2  Shareware-What is it? 
    Internet Telephony (Internet isn't just for data anymore)  Piracy on the C's (Computers)