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This morning my grampa (at 82-years-old) goes in for colon surgery. He was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and will have two tumors removed at 11 a.m. in Worcester. Please pray for him.

Work has started to pick up again and I've been busy. I'm working off of two computers, eventually switching to just one -- and thankfully it's the Pentium 700 with 512 MG/Ram. There's been font problems, such as several key fonts that our department frequently uses are missing and I now have this odd bouncing box on my screen saying that a self test is being performed. But enough about that.

My mind has been consumed with thoughts of my grampa. He believes so strongly in physician assisted suicide, right-to-die, and the Hemlock Society, and has written the family letters saying that if the quality of his life is not going to be good, he wants us to "pull the plug." How do you do that to someone you love, even when it's their wish? How do you qualify a "good" life?

Halloween night was fun. J. and I made grilled cheese and tuna sandwiches, which we ate with clam chowder. We ate on the coffee table in front of the television like we usually do, despite the dining room table. We're so used to eating in the living room since we never had a "real" table to eat off of before. The doorbell rang about a dozen times with trick-or-treaters looking for candy. The cats wandered to the front door and back, knowing there was activity outside and wanting to be a part of it.

J. and I flipped back and forth between "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula" and "House on Haunted Hill." Changing the channels during commercials helped to dampen the "scare factor." I like being scared, but not right before bed. Too vivid of an imagination.

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Link of the Day:Dracula's Homepage

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