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Ninjutsu - from the book "Ninjutsu History and Tradition" by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi.

According to the grandmaster of ninjutsu, he inherited from his teacher, several scrolls that tell of Chinese ex-patriots who fled their native land to seek sanctuary in the islands of Japan. Chinese warriors, scholars, and monks alike made the journey to find new lives in the wilderness of Ise and Kii south of the capitals in Nara and then Kyoto. Taoist sages like Gamon, Garyu, Kain, and Unryu, and generals from T'ang China such as Cho Gyokko, Ikai, and Cho Busho brought with them the knowledge that had accumulated over the centuries in their native land. Military strategies, religious philosophies, folklore, cultural concepts, medical practices, and a generally wide scope of perspective that blended the wisdom of China with that of India, Tibet, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia were their gifts to their newly-found followers in Japan.

As the passage of time continued to unfold the fabric of Japan's history, the ninja and their ways of accomplishment known as ninjutsu, were always present behind the scenes working subtly with the events of all the eras to ensure the survival and independence of their families and lands. In the regions of Iga and Koga, ninjutsu became a special skill, refined and perfected by over seventy families, each with their own unique methods, motivations and ideals.

The Togakure ryu, established approximately eight hundred years ago, is now in its thirty-fourth generation. The ryu exists today as an organization dedicated to teaching effective methods of self-protection and promoting the self-development and awareness of its members. Due to the stabilized nature of contemporary Japanese government and judicial systems, the Togakure ninja ryu no longer involves itself directly in combat or espionage work. Previous to the unification of Japan during the 16th century; however, it was necessary for the Togakure ninja to operate out of south central Iga Province. The Iga Province is today known as the birthplace of ninjutsu.