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PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! (Einstein did!) Ma'hinahinahina is my Hawaiian name. The closest ONE meaning I've ever heard for it is "moving pulsing moonlight". Basically, Ma'hina is the moon. Repeat Hina, what does the moon do? (i.e., move the tides, gives off light)....then, one more time.....what do THOSE things do (i.e., moving tides effect reefs, fishing, migrations, much more......) (moonlight guides, shimmers, drives you crazy if you stare too long at it) (I THINK that's what did it to me) But seriously......... Anyone have any more insights on this name, feel free to e me.......... UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE : was told that it would mean "the activity of the moon" or "the power of the moon"!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK ON THIS PLAYER to be blessed by good fortune! Play "O Fortuna" (from carmina burana by Karl Orff) if it didn't load automatically..... .. If it's good enough for one of my favorite myths/movies, "Excaliber", It's good enough for me! IMPORTANT NOTICES: :URGENT MESSAGE FROM DR FORRESTER, AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED COLONIES OF THE MOON, TO THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY! Delivered recently, this "urgent appeal" and it's "imperative nature" should be read by all human beings that give a shit about this planet, and beyond. Grass chewing sheeple are surely exempt from this FOR THE SEVENTH GENERATION! With a sense of humor, see how one crazy Shamanic love-goddess makes it through daily life a'dancing! Both new pages down in links. Enjoy, sweet loved ones! Blessings to 3singingeagle's new baby, Thor Gabriel Robert Grady, born on 1/26/01 :) I am, always, your Honest Outpouring, and I will consistantly REFUSE to give you ANY LESS! MUCH ALOHA!


The Journeys of 3singingeagles as "The Listener", gathering stories of the forgotten, crusading and in general CHAMPIONING DA CAUSE of HUMAN RIGHTS !!!!!! (Overblown pretentiousness alert ?!?)
MY WRITINGS: Click here to enter The Bizarre Zone. Am workin on gettin a collection of my weirdest stories together to publish as a manuscript for The Maui Writers conferance this year. Thing is, am hard pressed to find any of my writings that are not bizarre and/or weird. Well, weird means wise in the Welsh language, I've heard....... :)
FOR THE SEVENTH GENERATION!!!! Click here to see very revealing shots of me in swimsuit attire on the fabulous pristine beaches of Maui! (translation: this is a statement politico and I'm trying to lure you there with empty promises of sexsexsex cause I'm hopeing at least you'll LOOK at it if I do so)
Play! TOUCHED: Sacred AND Profane! If you do not get at least ONE chuckle out of this, I will fully refund your price of admission! (tee hee) (Got MY chuckle!)
SAILORS!!!!! (Now with cool ENYA midi! Feel free to save her Orinoco Flow!) All you whom also withinbeats the precious heart of a sailor.....come to my Sail Away Oh My Soul page. A legend from Hawaii on the creation of the first sail is ALONE worth a sweet visit!
Blue Moon Diaries.... yep, ALL of them, March 1st 1999- early June 99'. Big file, big feelings, NOT for the faint of heart or judgementally inclined.
Archived Diaries, part two. REFLECTIONS, from the end of The Blue Moon Diaries----- May 5th
Archived Diaries Part Three
SCIENTIFIC PANTHEISM: Check it out for a mind bend, and paws for thought (Pantheists like furry paw-laden animals, yeah?)
My favorite RADIO program- Sound and Spirit! (Also, coincidentally, my favorite combo of activities, since I am a singer- songwriter!)
JOXER THE MIGHTY: The fool archtype........ what can be said......... Parcifal, Falstaff, Joxer, the Alpha and Omega of the Great Wheel.....the comic relief in this excruciating life!
Poetry : Most recent page,too much candy for the little girl
XENA!!!!! Until you have experianced the skills of the writing/performing troupe from New Zealand, you WILL NOT know what you are missing! The ancient and beautiful Greek and Shakespearean theatrical forms merge with campy humor, and Modern referances. Actors play different parts frequently and well!
Judge for yourself, myth lovers....
GEOGRAPHY: link megapage!!!!! Geography rules! It is a big planet! Predjudice is erased by knowledge! We are all unique, incredible human beings!
Michaela Alohi's Incredible Computer Artwork!!!! This 6 year old artistic prodigy is an incredible Spirit on this planet, AND her artwork is EXTREMLY stimulating. Click here to go to the page she completly made herslf, typing, embedding, all! WOW!
SHEET MUSIC: Check out OLGAS page......renegades on the internet......ARISE! She has tabulated music to so many songs.....it'll make your lil' head spin!
POETREE ARCHIVES NUMERO ONE: Wow, have I really written this much poetry in the last year? Ansewer: MORE.
2ND poetree archive!Featuring such century-spanning favorites as:Poems From The House Of Life, In Mah Mirror, and much more "Poetry To Knock Your Socks Off" !!!!
URGENT LETTER TO THE PLANET EARTH, FROM THE UNITED COLONIES OF THE MOON, REPRESENTATIVE DR. MOONBEAM FORRESTER. Space for peace! (all levels and meanings for that chant may or more probubly will, apply)

Email: singingeagles3@hotmail.com