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Pictures of People!

This page is per request of my Uncle Bob (hey, Bob!) who asked me to post some pictures of people, rather than just tourist sites and things.

I'm having a fair bit of trouble taking pictures of my interview subjects. Thus far, they've all declined to be photographed, and I can't really do anything about that. It's kind of a shame because their faces would add a lot to the final product.

That said, these are the pictures you're stuck with.

Chloe, Ksusha, Luba, and Me

This is Chloe, Ksusha, Luba, and me at the Chaynaya Loshka (The Teaspoon). Chloe has long since moved on to Kazakstan and Turkey, so this picture was taken awhile ago.

Luba and Ksusha are both working on the Russian equiv. of a Ph. D. They like to ask me questions about English and life in America, which is all fair because I like to do the same thing to them about Russia...

Just the same....

This is a picture I took in a little park right near where I go to church. There are always tons of cute kids there...although the parents usually aren't very attentive. I was impressed by this mother, since she was one of the only ones actually WATCHING her child.

My Host Family!

Okay, so this I should have done a long time ago...

The girl in the back is Hannah, who stayed with my family last winter and came back for a visit. Katya is the younger one with curly hair (my sister), and the woman on the right is Ludmila.

It's not the best picture of them but it's all I have...