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Amusing Emails

This section is one of the only parts of my old webpage that I decided to keep. Some of these letters are about Russia (my first trip) which I suppose, in some way, connects them.

Someone told me once that I was funniest when I wasn't really trying to be. I tend to agree. And some of my best writing comes from when I'm not trying to write well. When I'm not worried about impressing someone, getting a grade, or showing it to a proofreader.

These are some of the e-mails that I wrote during my first semester at Colby. The recipients of these e-mails thought they were pretty funny. I read some at a dorm talent show and came in second place. I have to say I rather like them. Here we go:

Archive #1 (First Semester)

Archive #2 (January and Second Semester)

Move on...

Live Journal for the 2004-2005 trip
