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Hi! Welcome to my page of pics. Here you'll find pics from the series of Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, pics from the playstation game,FinalFantasy VII, and some pics of the series Oh My Goddess. If you have any pics that I don't have please e-mail me at Thanks.


Click here to see my ranma 1/2 pics. Click here to see my Akane pics
Click here for Ranma and Akane pics.

Click here to see Sailor Moon pics. Click here to see Final Fantasy pics.

Click here to see Oh My Goddess!!! pics

Someone's other page
Sierra's page
Another Ranma 1/2 page that is way better than mine by Jenny Reyes.
Hearts of Ice by Krista Perry. I can't wait till the second half of chapter 23 comes out!!!
This is a shrine dedicated to the cutest couple in Ranma 1/2, Ranma and Akane.
This is another page that is also dedicated to the cute couple.


The Ranma 1/2 Akane Webring
This Ranma 1/2 Akane Ring site owned by Mittens.

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