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David Mooney's Little Home Page

How many homepages have you visited lately that says that the "owner" is new to the www, (read: world wide wait) and that this is the first struggling attempt a t a home page? Well, my fellow surfer, you have stumbled accross another of those silly pages, clumsily written in the middle of the night when nothing could possibly go wrong. So, stay if you feel you must, but feel free to shuffle off to your next destination as quickly as you got here, wherever that may be. I will be back frequently to make sure that nothing happens to make this more interesting or less frustrating for the visitor, so please feel free to come back and comment on my ineptitude any time. We hope you've enjoyed your flight... please remain seated until the captain has turned off the fasten your seat belt sign. please feel free to drop me a lion in my mailbox. I try to respond as quickly as my not so fabulous schedule allows...
I have added new pictures--and yes, I took them myself.

just me!
me and the boston skyline
a tranquil view of the "Sound of Music" house in Salzburg, Austria.
I had to take this picture in Vienna when I saw it! They don't make windows like this any more :-)

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Just a few of the things I like:

  • The Sea
  • Music
  • Architecture
  • Gardens
  • Long Walks
  • Sand Castles
  • Lieder Singing

My Favorite Links, so far...

The Boston Symphony Orchestra
Boston Public television and radio
Viola Jokes
Jasonxi's Queer Planet Forum
Vache's Poetry Pages
Bengoo's Mildly Marvellous Mansion - have a look!
Why not take Dr. Seuss's Purity Test?
Butch Arizona's Hacienda
Poit! Pinky & the Brain NARF!
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
