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Tapes from the late 1990s and on...

Pro Wrestling Cassette #4--Hawaii Years
1. Interview with the Disco Inferno
2. Interview with Buff Bagwell
3. Dean Malenko vs. Prince Iukea
4. Interview with The Giant
5. Vince McMahon interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin
6. The Road Warriors vs. The Godwins; Kane attacks Hawk after
7. Cactus Jack vs. Billy Gunn; New Age Outlaws work over Foley after
8. Interview with Rocky Maivia
9. Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher attack Taka Michinoku
10. Kurgen vs. Flash Funk
11. DX on the mic—strip poker night
12. DOA vs. Los Boriquas
13. DX attacks the Headbangers; brutal; Owen Hart attacks HBK
14. Jeff Jarett vs. Big Van Vader—by countout
15. Marc Mero vs. Tom Brandi—by countout
16. Steve Austin gives Rocky Maivia the W.W.F. Intercontinental Title and then steals the belt
17. Chris Benoit vs. Lodi
18. Interview with Ric Flair
19. Randy Savage vs. Hugh Morris (Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith ringside, who get some shots in on Savage)
20. The Disco Inferno wins the W.C.W. T.V. Title from Perry Saturn
21. Buff Bagwell vs. Lex Luger—by countout
22. Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page—by DQ
23. nWo interview
24. Vincent vs. Ray Traylor
25. The Disco Inferno vs. Yuji Nagata; JIP, last 4 min.
26. Interview with the Undertaker; Kane confronts
27. Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Taka Michinoku—by DQ
28. Interview with Rocky Maivia; Steve Austin confronts
29. Dude Love vs. "The Road Dogg" Jesse James (Foley takes a brutal beating after)
30. Mark Henry vs. Steve Lombardi
31. Heated interview with Owen Hart and Vince McMahon
32. Marc Mero attacks Tom Brandi
33. Steve Austin throws Rocky Maivia’s Intercontinental Title in a river (reminiscent of Dick Slater doing this in the Mid-South during the mid-80s)
34. Vince McMahon basically says wrestling is fake
35. Steve Blackman vs. Jose
36. The Road Warriors vs. Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hurst Helmsely—by DQ (DX and New Age Outlaws give LOD a brutal beating after)
37. Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Gurrero vs. La Parka and Psychosis (great high flying match); JIP, last 4 min.
38. Interview with Arn Anderson and Ric Flair
39. Eric Bishoff agrees to fight Larry Zybsco
40. Scott Hall vs. Chris Jerico (Hall tries survey in North Carolina); JIP, last few min. of action
41. brawl between Bill Goldberg and Steve McMichael

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