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Tapes from the late 1990s and on...

Pro Wrestling Cassette #00--Hawaii Years
1. Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage interview
2. Eddie Guerrero vs. Psychosis; JIP, last 3 min. of action
3. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper interview
4. Interview with Bret Hart; DX interrupts
5. Owen Hart vs. Kama—no decision; brawl between Nation of Domination and Hart Foundation
6. Midget match
7. Formation of the New Age Outlawas
8. Kane attacks Flash Funk, plus ridiculout antics by DX (HBK, HHH, and Chyna)
9. Vince McMahon reinstates "Stone Cold" Steve Austin into the W.W.F.; Austin stuns Rocky Maivia
10. Interview with The Road Warriors
11. Jim Cornette’s comments
12. the nWo attacks Diamond Dallas Page and Roddy Piper; Sting(s) come out to make the save
13. Goldust(in Rhodes) vs. Savio Vega; JIP, last 5 min. of match
14. The Nation of Domination attacks Ahmed Johnson
15. The Road Warriors win the W.W.F. Tag Team Titles from the Godwins (LOD either wins titles or retires)
16. The Steiner Brothers win the W.C.W. Tag Team Titles from Syxx and Scott Hall; good match
17. the nWo attacks Roddy Piper
18. Scott "Flash" Norton vs. Ray Traylor
19. The Disco Inferno vs. Alex Wright
20. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Curt Henning; good match. After, the nWo attacks Diamond Dallas Page and Roddy Piper; Sting(s) come out to make the save (same as #12)
21. Owen Hart vs. Shawn Michaels—double DQ; another good match; Austin attacks the referee, plus HBK brawls with Bret Hart
22. Kane attacks Dude Love (Cactus Jack); Foley takes another mega-bump
23. Taka Michinoku vs. Tajiri
24. The Giant beats up on some Luchadores
25. Jaquolen attacks the Disco Inferno
26. Hogan and Savage rant and rave
27. Scott "Flash" Norton vs. Ray Traylor
28. Lex Luger vs. Booker T.; good match, plus interview after w/Luger
29. Scott Hall vs. Scott Steiner; good match
30. Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page, and Sting attack the nWo inside a steel cage
31. Hollywood Hulk Hogan interview
32. Glacier vs. Psychosis
33. Diamond Dallas Page interview
34. Larry Zybsco interview; Scott Hall interrupts
35. Lex Luger vs. Stevie Ray
36. Shawn Michaels calls Bret Hart racist in front of the Nation of Domination, leading to a brawl between NOD and the Hart Foundation
37. Hunter Hurst Helmsley vs. Goldust(in Rhodes); (Chyna bodyslams Goldust!)
38. Jim Cornette on "icons"
39. Owen Hart vs. Ahmed Johnson—by DQ; Steve Austin gives Johnson the "Stunner" to cause the DQ
40. Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Diamond Dallas Page—no decision; 5 min. of good action
41. Bret Hart vs. Ken Shamrock—double DQ; excellent match; brawl between Hart and Shawn Michaels after
42. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels interviews; Michaels moons Hart
43. Interview with Jeff Jarrett
44. Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage—by DQ; JIP, last 6 min. of good match. Curt Henning interferes to cause the DQ.

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