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Welcome to the Enchanted Forest...

You have come through a heavy wooden door in Cyranna's Lair and you now find yourself in the lush verdance of a dense forest. You hear the birds singing, and the wind softly blowing. The air is crisp and comfortable. Towering Oaks, Pines, Birches and many other trees stand as time markers, as each can not be younger than one-hundred-fifty years old. Welcome to the Enchanted Forest.
Welcome! This forest is home to many little beings... elementals, faeries... they live here. Well, this little part of Cyranna's Lair is dedicated to these tiny entities...

The Elementals

Depending on what you believe, elements and elementals are not the same thing (Silver Ravenwolf, "To Stir a Magick Cauldron") An element is perceptable to one (or more) fo your five natural senses. It is part of our everyday life; it is the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, the water we drink, the fire in the pilot light, for that matter! The elements are part of our everyday, mundane world.

However, an element can not think -- it has no thinking process. As Silver Ravenwolf once discribed: "If I pick up a handful of dirt and ask it how the wife and kids are, I'm not going to get an answer." Simply put, elements belong to our mundane, human plane. But they do have energies that we in the Craft do utilize, and we live right alongside them. Their energies may also be invoked before or after a circle is cast.

Elementals are seen many different ways -- they will not look the same to everyone. Some may see the elementals as vapor colored to represent the element (ex: a yellow-iridescent vapor representing the element air.) Others see them as having some sort of human-like appearance, but not quite. Some people do not see them, but feel them as waves of energy.

When you see an elemental, you must be very quick. Often elementals are just barely caught in a glance. Remember, in the Craft things differ from person to person. What I see you may see differently. What is right for me may be completly wrong for you.

There is an arguement about the thinking process of the elemental. Most working Witches feel that they have more of an animal mentality -- meaning that they are not mean nor good, nor could they plot a fantastic, page-turning novel. At least, not on their own. However, this does no imply that they are powerless -- far from it. Elementals are attributed to an element and therefore a direction. Illustrated:

The Gnomes

Earth, North. Givers of material gain and stability. The rulers of the forest. Seen as little people or as green light. Protectors of outdoor circles and groves. They are said to live for hundreds of years, and dwlell underground.

The Sylphs

Air, East. Granters of wishes, knowledge, and dreams. The rulers of the weather. Envisioned as faeries, or white light. Delicate beings with beautiful wings. Protectors of magickal applications. They are said to live at the top of mountains.

The Salamanders/Firedrakes

Fire, South. I have seen both terms used, however both terms have the same attributes. It is purely a matter of choice. Givers of passion and creativity. The rulers of fields and fire or blue flames. Envisioned as dragons, lizards, or red vapor. Protectors of hearth, home, and business.

The Undines

Water, West. Givers of love and friendship. The rulers of all waters. Envisioned as merpeople, sirens, or pink/blue lights. Protectors of the gates of death and karma. In case you haven't guessed, they live (where else?) in the water.

When working with the elementals,you may wish to cast a circle. This is not to say that they will harm you, but they are more easily controlled within a circle. It is also perfectly acceptable to call an elemental even if a circle is not cast, say in a meditation with the elementals. I suggest meditatating on the elementals before working with them, so you will know what they are like. The final predominance of opinion is to cast a circle when working with the elementals, to be safe.


"...and every time a boy or girl says 'I don't believe in fairies,' a fairie just up and vanishes..."
- J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

As children, we curled up beside mother to hear the fantastical stories of the fairies, their stories coming to be known as "Fairy Tales." Childhood is the most imaginative time in our lives; often times we lived in a fantasy world, where reality and fantasy were not all that different.
But, as do all children, we grew up and got caught in our homes, jobs, our own children, and a myriad of other things we now live with. The fantasy world of dragons and faeries, princesses and knights, kings and queens, has no place in our minds anymore. Unless of course you let it run rampid again. Obviously, we can't return to it completly ("dress-up at 35?!?")but we do have enough time (and special place in our mind) for the Little Folk and their likenesses. The earlier name was the Fays, of Faes. Under the term, "Faeries," we cover the Anglo-Saxon elves, the Daoine Sidhe of the Highlands, the Tuatha De Danann of Ireland, the Tylwyth Teg of Wales, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, the Wee Folk, and many more. While some are friendly and playful, others are wild and mischievous, alien to humans.

While many faeries perfer to live in bands, large and small, there are also the Fae who live alone, called solitary faeries. While the band faeries dress grandly, the solitary faeries are a bit plainer, wearing fox skins, leaves, mosses, flowers, moleskins, and cobwebs.

Faeries vary in size greatly, from tinier than an inch, to the three or four feet, Others are human size, or even much larger.

In Ireland, the men of the Trooping Faeries, the Daoine Sidhe and the Shefro wear green coats and red caps. The women wear green gowns and red shoes. Faeries love the ornate; some wear different kinds of jewelery, such as pearls and gold pieces. They like to put feathers in their hats, and decorate their clothes with gold flecks anf various flowers. Some of the men wear yellow or brown breeches. Elves traditionally wear green, while the Manx faeries wear blue. White is another color that occaisionally appears in faerie descriptions. Faeries have been accounted to have almost any hair color. The women wear their hair long and flowing. Faeries, like humans, require food and rest. They are also just as susceptible to disease as we are, and just as easily killed. another thing common between the Fae and humans is that they have working communities. Faeries have their hunts, fairs, games, markets, inter-clan warfare (in Ireland,) and processional rides. Hurling is a much loved sport of the Irish faeries. Their horses are said to be speckled grey and shaggy.

For food, the faeries eat a myriad of things, depending on where they live. In Scotland, the Fae have banquets of silverweed, stalks of heather, milk of red dear and goats, barley meal, bread, mushrooms, honey, and dew. Faeries everywhere always enjoy offerings of milk, honey, bread, wine, cheeze, and cream. They also like particular herbs, especially ginger. The Ellyllon of Wales ate toadstools and faerie butter, a fungus found on the roots of old trees.

Faeries often guard their real names, nor do they give false ones to humans. If a faerie will not tell you its name, you should probably stop talking to it. Some types of faeries can shapeshift into birds to avoid capture. Faeries often use glamour (spells) when encountering humans. In Ireland, these spells are called pishogue.

Faeries also enjoy music and dancing. Their musical insrtuments include the bagpipes, panpipes, cymbols, tamborines, harps, whistles, and drums. The music of Londonderry Air is said to be learned from the Faeries.

There are a number of ways to protect you from unfriendly faeries. One way to protect you from any faerie is to have cold iron. Herbs that unfriendly faeries do not like are St. Johnswort, red verbana, daisies, rowan, or mountain ash. The stronges plant against them is the four-leaved clover, which protects you from faerie glamour. You can also scare them away by snapping your fingers, or ringing bells.

Faeries tend to value neatness, the ability to keep a secret, riddles, and generosity among humans. They appriciate it when humans leave fresh water our for them to wash their clothes and babies.

Coming soon -- Types of faeries

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