Part Two: A Little of Zac

Chapter 7-Hello and Goodbye!

Zac watched disgusted as Sierra and Taylor said goodbye. His brother was a sap when it came to girls, but he had never seen him act this way over a girl before. He'll probably go and write a depressing song, thought Zac as he tied up his rollerblades. I sure hope that I never act like that over a girl! Zac watched as Sierra got into a taxi cab a drove away. Taylor stood there for a moment watching it leave and then he walked back to where Zac was sitting.

"Well, that was just so beautiful," whimpered Zac. Taylor glared at him.

"Duh, Zac, just shut up. You just don't get it," Tay scoffed as he walked away. Zac just sat there for a moment, thinking about what Taylor had said. Get what? he thought. Taylor is just totally messed. Besides, who needs girls anyway? I've got my family, my music, my fans (who are mostly girls), and my yellow boots. That's all I really need anyway. Me, myself and I.

He got up and rollerbladed down the street. It was nice to be by himself for once. The next week was going to be really hectic, with recording and press conferences. As Zac was skating around the corner, he suddenly crashed into someone coming from the other direction.

"Hey! Watch it," a girl about his age yelled at him. They both got up and glared at each other.

"Me? You're the one that crashed into me!" Zac scoffed back at her.

"Yeah right! You were going so fast you dodn't even look to see where you were going! You must think you are so cool!" Zac gaped at her.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt retarded. Ooops, that was stupid. Now she's going to think I'm so full of myself now! The girl gave an annoyed glance at him.

"Just because you're Zac Hanson you think I should apologize? Typical!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zac started to retort when he realized that it really was his fault. He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? Are you alright?" he asked her.

"I think so. Oh, yeah, my name's Holly."

"I like your accent," Zac said to her.

"What? I don't have an accent, you do!" Holly said.

"No I don't! I speak normal. You speak British."

"I am British! You speak like a stupid American!" she said.

"I am a stupid American!" Zac realized what he had just said. "I mean..." They both started laughing. "I'm sorry for crashing into you, I really am."

"It's okay! Really! Just where were you going that you were going so fast?" she asked.
"Anywhere to get away from my pathetic brother. His girlfriend had to leave or go back to the US or something. He's acting retarded," Zac explained. He wasn't sure if Taylor would appreciate him telling random girls on the street his girl problems. Oh well! Where were you going?"

"I was just going anywhere. Just rollerblading. I was thinking of going to get something to eat at Explosion. Wanna come?" she asked.

"Sure! I've heard about that place. It's supposed to be really cool, like modern and stuff. I never went there yet though." They both went rollerblading down the street. Hmm, I thinking I'm beginning to like good old England, Zac smiled to himself.

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