chapter 61

Chapter 61- Making Our Mark

Two days later and somehow miraclulously all the Hanson's and their 16 guests landed in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the start of their Christmas vacation. They looked like quite a sight travelling through the airport in a pack of 26.

They all clambered into a bunch of shuttles that would take them to the hotel. "Does everybody have everything?" asked Walker for the tenth time.

"We forgot Kevin!" screamed Zac. His friends, Nick and Eric cracked up.

"Who's Kevin?!" asked Diana, looking frantically around.

"Mommm, it's from Home Alone," scoffed Zac. "Sheesh."

It was easy to see how Diana could have thought a Kevin was along for the trip. She didn't even know half the kids that came along. Somehow, the Moffatts had snuck along, bringing Sierra and about 23 cans of beans with them. This was the breakdown of all the vacationers.

Walker, Diana, Isaac, Taylor, Zac, Jessica, Avery, Mackenzie and Zoe Hanson.
Janet and Tamara Souder
George, Martha, Scott and Megan Rice
Scott, Bob, Clint and Dave Moffatt
Mia and Phoebe Andrews
Carmen and Holly Winsdor
Sierra Hayes
Eric Stannard
Nick Furst

"Okay, I don't understand why the Moffatts are here," whined Taylor. "I mean, seriously, they should have been gone like five chapters ago."

"What?" asked Tamara. "I don't understand why Sierra is here! I mean, honestly, do you think I really want my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend on this trip?"

"Well, don't you think it's kind of awkward that Mia is here, when Carmen is too?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, but I couldn't just invite Phoebe and not invite Mia," explained Tamara. "Besides, she's gotten a lot better since they let her out of that mental hospital in Arizona."

"Great," muttered Ike.

"Well, besides the Moffatts and Mia and Sierra, I think we have a pretty good group," said Bob.

"But Bob, you're part of the Moffatts!" exclaimed Zac.

"I know, but they're still stupid."

"Kay..." said Taylor. "Oh look! There's the Palms!" The Palms was the hotel that they were staying at. It was very posh, with a casino, pool and nightclub.

"Not to mention free Hot Pockets!" said Ike. The group got all of their luggage and crap out of the vans and stood in the lobby, waiting for instructions from Walker.

"Alright gang! This is how it works! We've got three suites and two rooms. Each suite has two bedrooms, each with double beds and a rollout bed in the living room. In Suite #670 will be....Carmen, Holly, Mia, Phoebe, Tamara, Megan, Jessica, Avery and Sierra!"

The girls looked around, horrified. First of all, it is nearly impossible for 9 girls to share a hotel room without killing each other. Secondly, Carmen and Mia most likely would kill each other and Tamara and Sierra would most likely kill each other.

"Unless you want to be with your mom, Tamara," asked Diana.

"Uh, no, that's okay," muttered Tamara, glaring at Sierra, who was looking oblivious, twirling her hair around a finger.

"Okay, Suite #671...Ike, Tay, Zac, Scott R., Nick and Eric! Come and get your keys!" said Walker.

"Man, there's only SIX of them!" said Tamara. "And NINE girls!"

26 people threw her a look that said shut up or die. So she shut up.

"Suite #672 will be George, Martha and Janet. And in room #554 will be the Moffatts and next door to them will be me, Diana, Mac and Zoe," said Walker, handing out the last of the keys. "Everybody know where they're going? Don't lose your keys! Alright, let's get settled in."

All the people on the sixth floor grabbed an elevator and the rest went to the fifth floor.

"Well, at least our parents are on a different floor!" said Zac. "This is gonna rock!" They reached the sixth floor and the group seperated...guys going to theirs, girls going to theirs and adults going to theirs.

Inside the girls' suite it was pure chaos. Since basically nine teenage girls were sharing a two bedroom suite, there were about a thousand suitcases all over the floor. Tamara walked around and looked at what they could work out. The suite was very nice, with a small kitchen, two bedrooms and a living room, with a balcony looking over the pool.

"Okay, this is what we're going to do!" shouted Tamara over the girls' chattering.

"Who made you the boss?" scorned Sierra.

"Shut up slut," said Tamara. "Alright, here's how we're gonna sleep. In the room over there, will be Carmen, Holly, Jessica and Avery. In the second room will be Mia, Holly, Megan and me. Sierra, you're on the couch."

"WHAT?!!" shrieked Sierra. "No way."

"Yes way," said Tamara. "You weren't even invited and you should be in your own room far far away from the rest of us. Somehow you snuck in because Zac invited the Moffatts."

Sierra went and sat on the couch and sulked while the rest of the girls hauled their luggage into their respectable rooms.

In the guys room, there wasn't as much drama. Ike, Tay and Scott R. were in one room and Zac, Nick and Eric were in the other. Since it takes guys about two minutes to unpack, Ike wandered out into the living room to explore.

"Wahoo, check it out!" he yelled. Taylor and Scott came out to see what the fuss was about. "Free cable!"

"Geezus Ike, I thought you were going to tell me that the minibar comes with a midget or something," said Taylor.

"Do we get the Playboy channel?" asked Scott.

"Hm, good question," said Ike, scanning through the channels.

It was about noon when everyone was settled in and they decided to meet out by the pool for some drinks and relaxation. The guys were the first to arrive and by the time all nine girls had arrived, they were already playing an intense game of Marco Polo.

"Hey guys!" said Tamara, waving over to Taylor and Zac, who were hiding under a little cave built into the pool. "Stop the game!" The guys called it quits and came over to the girls. Sierra had already claimed a lounge chair and was putting on tanning oil. Ike went over to Carmen and whistled.

"Nice bathing suit!" he said appreciatively. "You look better than the girls on the Playboy channel."

"Excuse me?!" said Carmen, raising her eyebrow.

"Uhh, nothin," said Ike. "Wanna go over and get something to eat at the cafe?" They went off, with Mia looking after Ike longinly. Tamara noticed and quickly said,

"Hey! Last on in the pool is a rotten egg!" She ran over to the edge and jumped in and was quickly followed by everyone else, minus Sierra, who was flipping through a beauty magazine. Just then, the Moffatts came down to the pool, followed by Walker, Diana, George, Martha and Janet, with Mac and Zoe. Scott sat down next to Sierra and started to put some suntan lotion on, while Bob, Clint and Dave jumped into the pool to play with the rest.

Zac looked around at everyone in the pool and realized that with all these different people, it sure was going to be an interesting vacation.

"Looks like we're going to make our mark on Las Vegas!" he exclaimed. And that they would.

chapter 62