chapter 39

Chapter 39- Strange Things

Taylor tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn't sleep. He kept having these freaky dreams about that girl that had pinned him down in the car. In his one dream, he was with Tamara by a lake when she suddenly changed into the girl with black hair and gray eyes. She had a knife and had pulled it down to slit his throght, when he woke up in a sweat.

"I'm going crazy," he said aloud. "It was just a over-excited fan." He lay back down on his bed and closed his eyes. He fell asleep again and was dreaming.

"Follow me," the wind whispered. He was in a dark forest, surrounded by tall trees and plants. He looked to the sky and saw the stars twinkling far above him. "Taylor," the voice whispered again. "Come with me."

Taylor looked around and saw no one. Just then he saw a shadow of a person running off into the woods. He ran after her, through the thicket and trees, and followed her to the edge of the forest. There the trees ended and a steep, jagged cliff fell over the land and into the ocean, crashing below. He saw the girl with black hair, her back towards him, standing at the edge of the cliff. Her arms were stretched in front of her and the wind was blowing her hair behind her.

"Who are you?" he called to her. She put her arms down and slowly turned around to face him, a small smile on her face.

"You came," she said, not looking directly at him.

"What? What am I doing here?" he asked, moving closer to her.

"I brought you here, to be with me. Forever."

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

"We are meant to be together. Just you and me, no one else," she turned to look at him. He had reached her by now and was about three feet away from her, when he saw the knife in her hand. "It is time now."

"What are you talking about? Time for what?" he cautiously moved closer to her, thinking of a plan to knock the knife out of her hand.

"Time for us to leave. And be together forever, where no one can harm us," she moved the knife into her other hand.

In a blink of an eye, she was on top of him, wrestling him to the ground, the knife held above his head. He grunted and pushed her off of him and rolled out of the way. He got to his feet and stumbled towards the forest, but she had gotten up and grabbed him by the shoulders and flung him to the ground.

"I won't let you leave me!" she screamed. She pulled him up and shoved him towards the edge of the cliff. He tripped over a rock and fell only inches from the edge. She ran over to him and held his shoulders over the side. He was dangerously close to falling over into the deadly whitewater below.

"We stand at the edge of the world, just you and me, Taylor," she whispered. "With no one to hear our cry."


"It's time," she said and shoved him over the edge with all her might.

"Nooooooo!!!" he screamed as he toppled towards the water.

"Taylor! Taylor! Wake up! Hey!"

Taylor jerked open his eyes to see Zac hovering above him, with a worried look on his face.


"Are you okay? Geez, you were screaming your head off. It was sick..."

"I had a dream about that girl in the alley. She wanted to kill me, Zac. She pushed me off the cliff," he sat up in his bed. "My life's in danger, I know it."

"Now, don't overreact. It was just a dream," Zac said, trying to be helpful.

"Yeah, but it was so real. It's gonna happen and I'm gonna die!"

"Well, we can always get Avery to play the keyboard. She's getting pretty good."

"Shut up, Zac."

"Well, it's almost time to get up soon anyway. I'm gonna go swimming before we go to the studio. Coming?"

"Yeah, maybe," said Taylor, still shaken from his life-like dream. "I'll be out soon."

"Okay, see ya," said Zac, as he left the room.

Taylor got up and went over to the bathroom in his room. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked in the mirror. He gasped when he saw what was on the mirror. In red paint, the words "Tommorrow It Will Be Time" dripped onto the sink. Taylor took three steps backwards and ran out of his room and into his parents room, down the hall.

"Mom! Dad! Come quick!" he spat out, out of breath.

His parents sat up tiredly in their bed. "What is it, Taylor?" asked Diana.

"! She was there!" he pointed to his room.

"What are you talking about?" asked Walker. "Who was in your room?"

Taylor led the way to his room, his parents following behind. "Yesterday, in the morning, I went into the woods and found this picture of me with a red heart drawn around it and 'Taylor' written in what looked like blood. And Mom, you thought you heard someone in my room that night, right?"

Diana looked at her son worriedly. "Yeah, I thought I heard footsteps and whispering coming from your room, but you were sleeping."

"Yeah, and I don't walk or talk in my sleep. That's Zac. So anyway, yesterday afternoon, at the studio, I went out to the car to get some tapes and this girl with black hair jumped me and was saying all this weird stuff about us meant to be together and and how it's not time yet or something..."

"Well, that's what some fans are like over you. Not too abnormal," said Walker.

"Shh, let him finish," Diana said.

"Okay. And this morning or night, whatever, I had two really vivid dreams with this black-haired girl in it. In one she was trying to stab me with a knife and in the other we were in the woods behind the house and I chased her to the end and she pushed me off the cliff. And then this morning, I found this on my mirror," he said, opening up the door to the bathroom and pointing to the writing. Walker and Diana gasped.

"Oh my gosh," said Diana.

"How could someone get in here?" asked Walker, a bit angry. "This house is secure..."

"It's too weird," said Taylor. "I'm getting scared...oh yeah. At the car, I found this card," he said holding up the buisness card. "She must have dropped it or something."

"I'm calling the police," said Diana. Walker nodded.

"Don't touch anything in this room," he said. "We'll let the police do that."

"Why would anyone want to kill me?" asked Taylor desperatly.

"Now, we don't know that this person wants to kill you..." Diana started.

"This girl," Taylor corrected.

"You can't be positive that the same person that is writing these things is the same girl from yesterday," said Diana.

"But she was saying the exact same stuff as is written here. 'It's not time yet' and blah," Tay said.

Walker came back from calling the police. "They're on their way. They said to just stay in the house until they come. I called Christopher Sabec and told him the situation, and he said not to worry about making it on time today."

Taylor looked at the writing on the mirror. Who would want to kill him?

chapter 40