chapter 23

Chapter 23 - The Jerry Springer Show

"I'm a genie in a have to rub me right blah ba ba la," sang Taylor to himself while flipping through the channels on T.V.

"What are you singing?" asked Tamara from across the room.

"Some song that was on. Ohh, look, Bawitaba. Ba wit a baw da bang da bang ditty ditty something something drop the boggie."

"Yeah, Taylor," she said as she gave him a strange look. Just as Taylor was starting to head bang to the song, the phone rang. "Oh, darn," said Tamara. "I guess we should turn this off so you can hear."

"You just don't appreciate the lyrics," said Tay as he ran to get the phone. "Hello?...what? Jerry Springer? Uh huh. I guess. Okay...right. Yeah, bye," Taylor hung up the phone.

"What was that?" asked Tamara.

"Oh, someone from the Jerry Springer Show. They want us to go on it because Sierra called about cheating lovers or something."

"WHAT?! Well, you told them no, right?"


"Taylor! I am not going on that.. show! What are you thinking?"

"Well, don't you kinda want to see what it's like? I mean, it could be fun..."

"Tay! We'll make fools of ourself! What will the fans think? What will the press think? What will your parents think?"

"Do you want to go on it or not?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Okay."

"Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" yelled the crowd at the Jerry Springer Show studio.

"Okay, thank you!" said Jerry. "Today's show is on ex lovers who want to confront the one who they thought was theirs. Will you please welcome our first guest...Sierra!"

The crowed cheered as Sierra walked out in a skin tight black skirt with a black midriff shirt with a silver Guess? label.

"Welcome Sierra," said Jerry.

"Hi Jerry," Sierra said, crossing her legs.

"Okay, first of all, how old are you?"

"I'm almost 16."

"And it says here that you're a model?"


"What type of model?"

Sierra laughed. "Not that type of model. I do modeling for Guess? and GAP."

"You look like you should be modeling for Playboy in that outfit," yelled an audience member. "What kind of 15 year old goes out and dresses like that?"

Sierra stood up. "Oh yeah?" she said. "Look at this body," she said as she turned around. The male audience cheered. She sat back down.

"Okay, okay," said Jerry. "So Sierra, tell us why your on the show."

"Well, my boyfriend cheated on me while he was on tour with this little slut babysitter!" The camera shot to Tamara waiting backstage. She shook her head and glared at the camera. She was about to give it the finger when Taylor pulled her aside.

"What are you doing," he hissed.

"Sorry. It's so easy to do that when your on the Springer Show." Meanwhile, on stage...

"Yeah, so he like dumped me because of her and I just want to let him know that he made the wrong choice."

"Okay," said Jerry. "How long were you two going out?"

"Um, about four months."

"And you still want to be with him?"

"Well, yeah, except I'm kinda seeing someone else right now. I just wanna tell him that he's gonna be sorry he picked her over me." The crowed oooed.

"Let's bring out Sierra's ex-boyfriend, Taylor!" The crowd booed as Taylor walked out.

"What?" he said, holding up his hands.

"Hi Taylor, welcome. Is it just me or do you look familiar?" said Jerry.

"No I don't."

"Do you recognize this young lady sitting here?" asked Jerry.

"Yeah, that's that *BEEP*, Sierra."

Sierra opened her mouth and and stood up with her hands on her hips. "Yeah, Taylor, whatever," she said as she gave him the hand thing. She sat back down.

"Okay, Taylor. How long were you going out with Sierra?"

"Too long if you ask me. Of course, I didn't have to spend too much time with her because we live in different states."

"So while you were separated from her you met someone else?"

"Well, I've known her my whole life. She babysits for my family and..."

"She started spending more time babysitting you, huh?" said Jerry. The crowd laughed.

"Me and Taylor were going out when he started seeing that *BEEP*" said Sierra.

"Did you feel guilty, Taylor?" asked Jerry.

"Well, yeah, but I was really busy and didn't have time to think about a lot of stuff..."

"Maybe you should stop thinking with your *BEEP* and start thinking with your brain," said Sierra. The crowd cheered.

"Hey, it's not like that! Look, you guys don't know what a snob Sierra is now. You're so self-centered!" he said to her.

"Shut up, Taylor, just shut up."

"Hey, if you don't want her, can I have her?" yelled one audience member. Sierra laughed.

"You don't want her, believe me," said Taylor.

"Okay, okay," said Jerry. "Sierra, do you have something you want to say to Taylor?"

"Yeah," she said as she moved her chair over to him. "Taylor, I still really love you and want you to know that you can have me anytime. And I can't believe you cheated on me with that *BEEP*." She leaned in to kiss him. He pushed her away.

"No way! You can go *BEEP* yourself. I don't want a *BEEP* like you! You and me are over. I'm with Tamara now." Sierra slumped back in her seat.

"Whatever, Taylor. I don't know WHY you'd want Tamara when you could have this," she said as she flashed the audience. The crowed roared. Taylor blushed.

"Now you just went and made yourself look like a slut," he said shaking his head. The audience clapped.

"Should we bring out Tamara?" asked Jerry. The audience yelled yes. "Okay, bring out...Tamara!" Tamara came walking out on to the stage and Sierra ran over to her and punched her. Tamara quickly pushed her and pulled her hair, causing Sierra to fall on the ground and flash the audience again. The audience was enjoying it. Two security guards ran onto the stage and pulled the apart. Both of their hair was messed up as they sat in their seats. Taylor reached over and gave Tamara a kiss. The audience roared as Sierra stood up and pulled Tamara off of Taylor.

"You stole my man!" she screamed as she pulled her hair and clothes. "I'm gonna kill you mother*BEEP*"

"Get the *BEEP* off of me, you *BEEP*!" yelled Tamara. "Taylor picked me! *BEEP*"

"This is great!" said Zac as he munched on popcorn, while watching the show.

"Yeah, go Tamara!" said Holly as she grabbed another handful of chips.

"I never knew she had it in her," said Ike as he poured another cup of soda. "Anyone else want any?" he asked the twenty people in the room who had come to their 'Taylor is on Jerry Springer!' party.

"Well, it seems as if you've made up your mind about who you're going to be with, Taylor," said Jerry.

"Yeah. I'd never go back to that *BEEP*."

"Well, Sierra has something to tell you, right?"

"Yeah. Taylor, I didn't tell you that while you were on tour, I also was cheating on you."


"Let's bring out Sierra's secret lover!" said Jerry. A girl with red hair walked out as the crowd laughed and roared. She sat down next to Sierra and took her hand.

"This is Jeanie," said Sierra. "And I'm VERY happy with her."

"Oh, gross!" said Taylor. "I had no idea...figures." Taylor and Tamara looked at each other disgustedly.

"Well, now for my final thought," said Jerry. "You may think that your in love with someone when they are secretly having an affair. Someone will always get hurt. In this case Sierra was hurt, but it also turns out that some people are not always what they seem. You may think that that person is very sweet but they will turn out to be something worse. Or they will turn out to be having a lesbian affair. Whatever you do, make sure that you and that person are happy and caring for each other. Until next time, take care of each other and yourself."

chapter 24