Chapter 2- Sega World

"Okay, guys, let's go have some fun!" yelled Zac into Taylor's ear. Taylor rolled over and groaned.

"What time is it?" he mumbled.

"It's almost 6:30! Don't you want to get to Sega World?" asked Zac, jumping on Tay's bed.

"Yeah, but not 5 hours before it opens! Go back to bed, Zac."

" No! I'm already awake and I'm bored! Come on, get up! Come on." Zac shook Taylor.

"Fine! I'm getting up, okay?" Taylor said as he stumbled into the bathroom to take a shower.So what are we doing today, anyway?he thought as he stepped in the shower. He started to get excited as he thought about what he and his brothers were going to do today. Around 11 they were all going to Sega World in London and after that they were going to do a press conference before their concert at the Electric Factory. The show was sold out.

Taylor got dressed and stepped out of the bathroom to where Zac was waiting impatiently.

"What took you so long?"

Taylor laughed. "Zac, I was in there for, like, 6 minutes! But I'm ready now, okay? What are we going to do?"

" Do you wanna go rollerblading?"asked Zac. Tay said sure, so the two brothers went rollerblading outside and the time flew by before it was time to go to Sega World.

The Hanson family all got in the tour bus and drove to Sega World. Taylor noticed his Dad charging up the video camera.

"Dad, what are you doing? You're not going to bring that thing and follow us around, are you?"

" Of course, Tay. I always do, besides maybe it can go on the official video." said Walker.

Tay groaned. "Whenever you get me on camera, I always look horrible!"

"And you never shut up," piped up Zac. Taylor glared at him. "Are we almost there?" Zac asked. Up ahead, the huge Sega World sign loomed." Alright!" yelled Zac!

They all piled off the bus and ran to the door of the huge indoor amusement park. Walker turned on the vidoe camera and put it on Tay.

" We're going to Sega World, so here we go," he said. Walker laughed,

"Well, that'll look great on the video."

" Yeah, Taylor, you think you're sooo cool in those sunglasses," said Zac. Taylor chased him into Sega World, but they both stopped when the looked up and saw the huge complex, which ceiling raised up story after story.

"Whoa," said Taylor.

" So, what do you wanna do first?" asked Zac. The brothers decided to look around first and decide what stuff was really cool. "Ya know, the great thing about London is that everything is in English," said Zac. Taylor didn't even bother replying to that comment.

After about 10 minutes, Taylor and Zac were itching to go on the rides, so they found their dad to get money. As soon as they walked up to him, he turned on the camera.

"Now for the fun part, the money part," said Taylor as he stuck out his hand.

"Okay, I get it! Here's some money and don't get into trouble," said Walker.

" Oh we will!" said Zac.

First the guys decided to play some video games. After a while, Taylor decided to go on the Space Ball, a ride that whirls you around upside down. Zac decided to stick to the video games.

Taylor got in line and froze when he saw who was in front of him. Is that her?It was Sierra, the girl he had noticed from the day before. Okay, what should I do? Hey, I think you're hot, wanna go out? No. Just be yourself. If you get nervous, you don't act like the natural you.

He tapped her on the shoulder."Hey, remember me?" She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"How could I forget? So what are you guys doing here?"she asked.

"Um, well, Zac wanted to come and it's supposed to be really cool, so we all came."

" Yeah, this place is the coolest."They both stood there.

" So, um, have you gone on this ride yet?" asked Taylor.

"Actually, no," Sierra answered.

"How many people can fit on this?"asked Tay.

"Uh, two, I think."

"Oh. I'll go on with you if you want."

"Sure, that'd be great!" she said. Soon it was their turn to go on and they climbed inside. They decided that Taylor would steer the thing.

"Are you nervous?" asked Taylor.

"Not anymore," she smiled. The ride jerked forward and soon they were flying around. "This is cool!" screamed Sierra." This is...whoa!" The ride jerked around. After about two minutes the ride slowed and stopped. Taylor and Sierra stumbled off the ride, both extremley dizzy. They crashed into each other and both fell to the ground laughing. "Oh, man I am so dizzy," exclaimed Sierra. "The room is totally spinning!"

" Yeah, I know! There's like five of you!" answered Tay. He stopped laughing. "Not that that's a bad thing," he said quietly.

" Thanks, Taylor, that's really sweet."

"Well, I bet your boyfriend says stuff like that to you all the time,"said Taylor.

"Actually, I don't have a boyfriend," she said as she looked up at Taylor.

"Oh."YES! WAHOO!" So, are you going to our concert tonight?" he asked.

" No! I could't get tickets. They sold out in like 5 minutes. I was really dissapointed. But hey, stuff happens."

"Well, I could get you some tickets. And backstages passes if you want," he added.

" Yeah, that would be so cool! Thanks Taylor!"

" Call me Tay. All my friends call me that."


"Ha ha, like I don't get that one enough. I think we have some tickets left in the bus. Do you want me to go get them now?"

"Later, okay? Let's go on that ride again! This is cool!"

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