chapter 15 Chapter 15- And It Starts

"And here's another bag- this is Taylor's," said Zac as he handed a bag to Tamara as she loaded them onto the tour bus.

"Again," said Tamara. "How many vinal pants do you have, Taylor?" she smirked at him.

He ignored her and went back to loading the bags under the bus. He didn't want anything to ruin the beginning of his tour. After the last bag was packed away, the three of them slumped down on the sidewalk in front of the bus. A group of well wishers had gathered across the street to say goodbye and wish them good luck. "I see no one's here to say goodbye to you, Tamara," he said to her meanly. He saw a flash of hurt in her eyes and felt a little bad until she came back and said,

"At least I won't have a thousand horny 12 year olds chasing me around for the next three months. Besides, there's Phoebe, she's here to say goodbye." Tamara ran over to her friend to say goodbye.

That's your only friend, thought Taylor. And she probably just feels bad for you since you have no friends because you're so mean. Tay sat on the sidewalk until he saw everyone else boarding the bus. He walked over to his bus and got onto it, purposely going on the one that Tamara was not on. He sat down for a nice ride to the Oklahoma City airport, where they would board a plane for Detriot, Michigan.

About three hours later

"Yes, my own room!" Taylor exclaimed when they reached the hotel in Detriot. The show was that night, so he decided to rest before. He was just starting to drift away when he was blasted with a stream of cold water. He shot up and whipped his head around to see who did it.

"Yo! I'm soaking wet!" He looked over by the door to see three figures run out the door. He sprinted over tot he door and looked down the hallway, where Tamara, Jessica and Avery were sliding into their hotel room. He ran after them and burst in their room.

"Hey, this is a girls only room," said Tamara innocently.

"Yeah, girls only," piped up Avery.

"You know," said Taylor glaring at Tamara. "You are a bad example for my little sisters. You better watch your back, I'm going to get you back sooo good. You won't know what hit you." He turned to leave the room.

"Oooh, we're so scared, arn't we?" said Tamara. The girls nodded. Taylor just stomped out of the room.

He walked back to his room muttering things about what he was going to do to that girl. He passed Zac in the hall.

"Hey, you look a little wet," he said smartly.

"Ya think, Zac? That...moron dumped a bucket of water on me while I was sleeping. Hey, you have to help me get her back."

"Okay! Yes, I love a little friendly compition!" said Zac.

And so the infamous water war started.

The concert went great that night. The crowd was totally hyped and they performed flawlessly. Taylor didn't even see a glimpse of the Enemey, until she brought Jessica, Avery and Mackenzie out from backstage to watch for a little. He just ignored her and they went away soon enough. During 'I Will Come To You', the crowd was actually quiet enough for Taylor to think and he started thinking about ways he could get back at her. He noticed Ike giving him a Look and he realized that the song was over and he was still playing.

"Um, thanks guys! So if you are in the MOE..."

he quickly covered up and started talking about the Hanson club.

It was during the part of the show where Zac was running around spraying the audience with a huge Super Soaker, that a marvelous idea dawned on him. He grabbed the water gun from Zac and shot it out into the audience. It went a good 50 feet into the crowd and they roared their approval. Whoa, this thing goes far, he thought. Perfect

Later the guys were back in the hotel and were packing up to get back on the bus to drive to the next venue. "I'll be right back," said Tay. He went outside to where Tamara and Jessica were throwing a beach ball back and forth in the parking lot. Super Soaker in hand, Tay snuck behind one of the buses so the girls couldn't see him. He peeked out from the bus and fired a small shot at Jessica to see how she would react.

"Hey, did you feel that?" asked Jessica.

"No, what?"

"I think it's raining." Jessica and Tamara looked up to the sky and stuck their arms in the air.

"I don't feel anything," said Tamara. Taylor sprayed a little more at Jessica.

"Hey! I felt it again!" The girls looked around and Taylor ducked behind the bus. He didn't look up to see Tamara and Jessica tiptoeing around the other side of the bus. Now, I've got to get them good, thought Tay.

"NOW!" yelled Tamara's voice. The two girls charged at Taylor with a hose in tow. He sprinted up, but his Super Soaker was no match for the hose that was turned on full blast. In three seconds he was soaked to the bone. War cries sounded and Zac and Ike came running with there own water weapons. Soon a full scale water war was going on and all five of them were drippng wet.

"Hey, what's going on?" asked Walker as he walked over to the battle field. He was greeted with three water balloons and two Super Soakers blasting him. He joined in the fight by helping Tamara and Jessica with the hose.

"You're helping them?" shrieked Zac. "Get him guys! He's gone to the Dark Side!"

"You're a wicked wicked little man," said Walker, spraying Zac. The war was still going full scale when Diana waled out to the bus. All the water stopped except for one lone water grenade that went sailing smack into her face. She stood there dripping, stunned, as the others looked sheepishly at the ground.

"Well, if that's how it has to be," she said. Diana picked up a bucket full of water, calmly walked over to Walker and dumped the entire thing on his head. The rest of them cheered and the water war continued.

chapter 16