Summer of 98

Some of the ol' hometown boys boozin' on the 4th of July

Question #1: In the picture below, who is absolutely hammered?

Please choose only one answer: A. Earl B. Brad C. Nick D. All of the above

Question #2: Can you find drunken Waldo?

Answer #1 - D. (obviously)

Answer #2 - Another easy one--He's sitting to the right of Earl and Brad.

Here is an outstanding photograph of Louie who's proving to us that he's a diehard partier. Ha!!

Question: What time was this picture taken? Hint: Look at the clock behind him on the wall.

Answer: 9:25

The boys take a quick break to pose for the camera during their reckless binging escapade. However, it appears that Nick can't even pull his cup from his lips for one second.