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Welcome to Gautam's Homepage

India: A Tribute

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Mindsport : Games (super)people play
NOBA: Netarhat Old Boys Association
News from India, Netarhat , etc.
Real-time News from the House of Scoops
B-Schools , all of them
CRY - Child Relief and You
Indian Flag, Anthem, Emblem
Indian Prime Minister's Party (maybe, ex-Prime Minister's)
Welcome to Bihar

This site loves to remain under construction.
If you have come here before and have found Mindsport to be dead, check it out again!
Thanks for visiting. Give me some time and you will have a nice page to come home to.
Write to me - any subject, any time.
Check out my list of links.
Vande Mataram!

Join this fight for freedom ..

Child Relief and You

Networking Tools ....

* World Alumni Net
* India on Internet

Come, meet my schoolmates ......

Directorate of Marine Engineering Training, Calcutta
* @ World Alumni Net
* @ India on Internet

National Institute of Information Technology, Calcutta
* @ India on Internet

Science College, Patna
* @ World Alumni Net (i)
* @ World Alumni Net (ii)
* @ India on Internet

Netarhat Vidyalaya, Netarhat
* @ World Alumni Net (i)
* @ World Alumni Net (ii)
* @ World Alumni Net (iii)
* @ India on Internet

Zila School, Gaya
* @ India on Internet

Vidya Vikas Niketan, Gaya
* @ India on Internet

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Gautam Kumar is a Proud Indian.

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