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By Edna Huffaker

Tommy, Pat, and Jimmy were on a fishing trip with their parents at a lonely beach on the coast of California. They had been fishing for some time and getting no bites. They were becoming bored and restless.

"Hey, look at the water!" shouted Tommy. The water was moving in a strange way, bubbling and swirling.

"What is it?" asked Pat.

"Oh, look! Hey, what is it?" called Jimmy.

All at once, out of the swirling ocean, there was a huge spout of water going far, far up into the sky! A large, monstrous white whale emerged, looked at the boys, and said,"Hi, you guys! I'm Perky the Whale. Let my show you how high I can shoot this spout of water!"

Perky proceeded to swim around and around, showing how really great he was! The boys couldn't believe it-- a talking whale!

Perky came back to the boys and said, " How about a ride? Climb on my back."

Jimmy, Pat and Tommy slipped and slid, but finally climbed up onto the back of Perky. My! He was Huge!

'All set?" shouted Perky.

"Ready!" yelled Pat, Jimmy and Tommy.

Away they went, flying over the water, so very fast with the mist from the water blowing in their faces! Such fun!

Finally Perky slowed down as they approached a beautiful island.

"This is Christmas Island", said Perky. "I thought you would like to see it."

"I'll wait here for you, while you explore the island", said Perky, and he stretched hishuge body out on the surface of the water to rest.

Tommy, Pat and Jimmy slid off of Perky and waded to the beach. Looking at the forest ahead of them, Pat stopped, and his eyes widened in wonder. "Look! he cried, "All the trees look like Christmas trees!"

"What?" said Jimmy.

They raced toward the forest and ran from one tree to another! Every tree was a Christmas tree, with beautiful colored lights, ornaments, and candy canes.

"I've never seen so many Christmas trees in all my life!" exclaimed Tommy.

Wandering among the beautiful trees, the boys came to a lovely fountain with red and green water tumbling from it.

"I'm thirsty!" cried the boys, as they ran to the fountain.

"What can we use for cups?" asked Pat.

On the other side of the fountain were pretty butter cups. Tommy spied them and said, "Hey, we can us these to get a drink!"

Tommy and Pat tasted the green water---it was lime koolaid. Jimmy tasted the red-- it was strawberry. My, it was good!

"Let's go down that path and see where it goes. Come on", said Jimmy.

The children made their way down the path through the beautiful trees.

Suddenly they came upon a small cottage. Something about the house looked very familiar: the sides were made of fig newtons, the doors of oreo cookies, and the roof of vanilla wafers!

"Let's eat one", said Pat. "I'm hungry."

Pat took a fig newton, Jimmy and oreo, and Tommy reached up real high and got a vanilla wafer. When they took a cookie, another one slid into its place, so it appeared that none were gone.

"This is great!" said Tommy. "Really great!"

The door to the strange cookie house opened with a "Ho, Ho, Ho!" There, in the doorway, was Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus smiling at them!

"Welcome to Christmas Island!" said Sant and Mrs. Claus. "Do come in. We're so happy to see you!"

The boys entered the house, which was cozy and neat and smelled ever so good! Mrs. Claus was making Christmas candy of all kinds.

Santa said, "Come with me, and I'll show you where we make all of our toys." The boys followed him as he led them through the Christmas trees to a building with many bright lights burning.

As they entered, they saw many little men with green suits on, smiling happily as they worked making all kinds of toys. Bicycles, dolls, play houses, cowboys, Indians, games, airplanes--just every toy you could imagine! Everyone was very happy, and sang and whistled while they worked, making toys for children all over the world.

Santa said, "Now, each of you tell me what you would like for next Christmas, and we'll see if we can make it for you."

Pat, Tommy and Jimmy each whispered to Santa what they would like for next Christmas.

After watching the elves for awhile, they accompanied Santa back to the cookie house. Mrs Claus had dinner ready for them. They had turkey and dressing, sweet potatoes, salad, pumpkin pie and ice cream!

"You are a wonderful cook, Mrs. Claus", the boys said. "Thank you for a lovely dinner."

"Before you go," Santa said, "I have a little gift for each of you-- so you will remember your visit here to Christmas Island."

He handed each of them a beautiful replica of Perky, the White Whale.

"It looks just like him," the boys said, "Thank you for such a lovely visit. We will always remember you. Goodbye."

Santa and Mrs. Claus waved goodbye as the boys, Tommy, Pat and Jimmy walked through the Christmas trees toward the beach, turning to wave at Santa and Mrs. Claus, and to take a last look at the cookie house, the colorful fountain, and the forest of Christmas trees.

They found Perky just as they had left him, sound asleep, gleaming white in the sunshine.

"Perky, Perky!" they called, "We'd better get back to Mom and Dad. They will wonder where we are."

"OK", said Perky, as he shot spouts of water high into the blue sky. "Climb up and let's go!"

Tommy, Pat and Jimmy climbed onto Perky's back and away they went with the mist in their faces. In a short time, they were back at the beach.

Sliding off of Perky's back, they splashed up onto the beach.

"Perky, thanks for a lovely, lovely trip to Christmas Island. We will never forget you", the boys called. Perky spouted water as he called, "Goodbye!" and then disappeared into the ocean.

After Perky disappeared, the boys ran to the camp sight to tell their unbelievable story. They were so excited, they all talked at once.

Mom and Dad listened with wonder and thought how could the boys imagine such a story? However, their wonder turned to amazement when Tommy, Pat and Jimmy showed them the little white whales that Santa had given them. And on each one was written, "Perky" the whale--from Christmas Island.