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Amicable Masonic Lodge A.F.&A.M. Cambridge, Ma

Amicable, established in 1805, meets on the first Thursday of every month. Men of every race creed and religion unite to share in the stories and myths of Freemasonry. Creating a bond of fellowship truely deserving of the name Amicable. We are in the heart of Porter Sq, 1950 Mass Ave. come visit us or one of our sister lodges.

Cambridge's Oldest Masonic Lodge
is now on line
  • Friendship
  • Charity
  • Truth
The History of Amicable Lodge!Part 1

Please remember if parking at the church kitty-corner from the lodge, place a sign on your dashboard saying Amicable.

Our meetings will be at 6:00pm, with a meal afterwords.

Masonic and local links

e-m@son links
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
Our Fair City of Cambridge
Our Neighboring City of Somerville
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of MA.
Carlton's Home, an interesting Masonic link
The Grand Lodge of Ireland
A wonderful site protecting the internet from Anti-Masonic drivel

Email: Worshipful Master
Email: Sr Warden

Email: District Deputy Cambridge 2nd

Email: Web Master

Stain glass window in the First Universalist Church Auburn, Me

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