random people, and not so random people.

In no particular order...

Me and my roommates from 31 Willow. Awesome.

We see Heather, Cynthia, Christine, and Me... I look like crap but whatever. We all happened to be out watching male strippers. It Ruled.

And now, some family. This is my sister Gabe. Also known as Grim, Grimlocke, Gabay, Gabba Gabba Hey, etc, etc.

Here is Gabe showing off her nose ring hole, for one reason or another.

Me and Diana at Prom. I know, the picture is tiny. i'm not sure why.


Me and Jen Mis, graduation

Me and Steph B, also graduation.

My friend cyn playing beer pong... i'm lying on the floor next to her, drunk as a skunk.

Me, Gabe, and my roommate Heather. Now we're ALL drunk.