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Nappes ( my cat's!!!) web-page


To The honourable memory of our beloved cats Napoleon aka Nappe and Zimba and Sotis

Adopt bears or angels
Now you wont have to suffer anymore. Rest in peace.

Another page Dedication to my late cats and the cats I have now. Pictures OF THEM ALL
We are thinking of you and we love you ALOT!

Nappe info
99.06.28 We miss you lots.
The memory lives on of you!
It cant be earth, It cannot hide amongst ashes and grabble.
No, it shall live in the birdsong and in the flowerscent and also in the wind.
dont grieve the one that finally has sleep from his pains.

99.07.12: The most beautiful cat life gave, as born without any demands, your time on earth was to short,
like a cat was lurking creeping...slowly aways.
Thanks for the time we had and we enjoyed.
Our cat Napoleon.
Napoleon, out love for you are without limits.
Our hearts burst of sadness.
We will never forget you.
You understood when we where sad and sick now you dont have to suffer if you did...
You where more then a man and a cat you where a true friend that we hold dear,
months go to years but you will always be there in our hearts.

99.07.23 jag tänker på dig min vän vi fick så kort tid tillsammans ,jag hoppas att du slipper lida mer.
Jag har tagit mycket efter dig efter bara 2 veckor tillsammans din Zimba.

here is my adoptive "mom" When she was younger in the 60:s

Hello! I am a cat called Nappe! *GRINS* !!Well, the family I live with got me when I was just about 8 weeks of age I think. It was three sisters that found me on the countryside and we played together for the rest of the day and they adopted me and I adopted them! I got to follow them home and now I am about 17 years of age I think cant remember to sure !
I am an ordinary cat from a fishing location called Mollösund in Sweden. I was only 8 weeks old when I got to travel to a big city with a "crazy" family! And then I mean in a GOOD WAY!!!!! with three kids, the three kids was who found me!And two adults! I became a domestic cat ( at home cat) and had a good life I was the king and still are the king there! What I want goes!!!!! The food I got was Whiskas and Sheba but I got even more good stuff like shrimp and and fresh fish and ham, a certain little bit of cheese. The kids was really good to me and everyone has treated me like a KING!!!! I like that alot!!! But I like my adoptive "mother" best!!! I play alot even in my old age! I like to hug my families legs alot! Now in my oldage I can only eat what the wet tells my family I can eat I dont really like that alot but I have learnt to live with it!! If I dont get what I want I bite there legs!!

I ride in my "rollce roys in something called SLottskogen in Sweden, it is so nice not having to walk,..yeah, I am spoiled!!I sometimes see squirrrels and/or Deer!! it is so fun and I want to chase birds!But my family wont let me! My stepmothers give the squirrels nuts to eat!

A recipe for a good day! 1 cup of friendly words, 2 shaken cups of understanding, 4 teaspoons of time and patience, 1 pinch of warm personality, 1 pinch of humour! How to make it: Value the words carefully, add the shaken understanding, use good time and dont forget patenceie, This will mix together with warm personaltiy but dont let it boil. Keep the temperature low and have always the humour at hand

990603 hej jag sitter vid en dator på bibban med min dotter som låter mig skriva på svenska!!!!!

ther e is a new kiten..
My adopted mom was at the doctor 99.06.17 and she has to go in a wheelchair in the future...

99.08.10 My mom sat in the emergency room 10 hours so it is bad things about the SWEDISH HOSPITALS. POLITICIANS DECIDES. And they thought it was the heart and it took along time to do the examinations, they took blood test after hours of waiting and then they took EKG, and lots of other stuff. Thankfully it was serious but not that serious , it was just water in her legs. I was worried out of my mind and got there as soon as I could wit hmy father.

99.08.11 today it was a solar Eclips but I didnt get to see it because it was clouded and stuff *POUTS* It was raining.

990820 Zimba har fått babynapp och springer runt med han gillar fart och fläkt Martina sitter vid min sida och ser att jag gör rätt ,hon är så noga av sig .Vi saknar dig nappe hade inte fått lilla zimba så vet jag inte om vi kunnat sorgen bekomma

We have a new cat again still a male kitten, his name is Sotis, so now Zimba and Sotis is playing together, but also in fights together, mixed things. UPDATES SOON!

One of my new cats called SOTIS he fell in the toileet 99-12-16 and my mom came for the rescue right away, and got him up he tried himself but he couldnt, thankfully HE SURVIVED thankfully because my other cat Zimba was there to tell everyone that he fell in, but he was very frightened for a while,

Well today is 22 of january, it was hard on my birthday not to have my cat Nappe with me and on the New Years Eve was even harder not to celebrate the New Year with him, I am thinking on him always, hope he is well where ever he might be...Updated soon

Thank you for visiting this memorial place
today 2 of july 2000 we still miss our beloved cat Nappe, We do hope he rests in peace, 2000-07-24

Tillängnad vår Katt Napoleon
Jag är din katt Napoleon
Gå inte,säger du
Men jag finns,
har alltid funnits
och kommer att finnas ,i evighet,hos min familj
Just nu finns jag i en kropp,
den enda tillvaron jag känner till,
Men jag vet,inte med kroppen
men med själen den sköra,
att när kroppens vätskor har slutat flyta,och den stelnar till för att sedan försvinna,finns jag kvar,för jag är
din katt Napoleon
till dig, denna dag
en stund i livet
där ingenting är givet,
förutom slutetett annat liv
där kroppen finner vila och själen en annan plats
att finnas till för alltid,
Katter leker,Matte smeker
Dig på kinden
lyss på vinden
där du cyklar ,katter gycklar
leker så vilt,under en filt
du åker till katten om du vill
bara älska katten sin
Åren går men å vad vi saknar dig Napoleon ,du var vårt allt
Nu har vi fått två katter som blivet 6år men vi saknar dig Napoleon mycket ,du är i våra tankar och du vakar över oss.
Nordens Ark

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Read my Dreambook!
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This is more pictures!!

this is my younger adoptive mom!!

I am the king of Haga in Gothenburg. I decide over everything on my food menue, but most of all I like to ride in my rolls royce as you see in the picture above!!! When my "mom" drives it ofcourse! I am called BIG TIGER!!! A nick name I got!! I will soon have a friend who was born 10 of april 1999!! Will come in june!
more coming up soon!
some poems, will come up on my other web-pages, but this is an dedication to my first cat NAPPE ! *sighs* how I miss him so...Martina


Swedis Poetry

Cats Poetry
swedis poetry
Det har gått några år sedan vår älskade katt napoleon dog men saknade är stor ännu,och det känns inte så bra för tankar går till vår älskade napol,det var en sommarkatt som barnen hitta på mollösund ,men vi hade stor glädje över Napoleon i 24 år till 1999 då dog han av ålderdom
Tänk att en sådan vän finns inte att få mer,han förstod när man var sjuk och han pratade så med varje dag
.Nu har vi zimba och sotis men ändå så går tankar tillbaka vår vän i så många år
Mina tankar är hos dig Napoleon ,du var en kär vän och en underbar katt.Det var så att de barnen som är födda 1966 och 1970 tog hem dig men du blev min katt och det glömmer jag aldrig dina fina sidor
Mina katter som jag har nu har redan blivet sex år.
Det är en skönt att komma hem och att de möter en vid dörren.,men saknaden finns efter vår gamla katt Napoleon,du finns med oss alltid
Åren har gått och saknade är stor efter dej min fyrbenta vän,du var trofast och alltid vid min sida
Nu har mina nya fyrbenta vänner hunnit komma upp i sin ålder och blir sju år 2006.



God Jul 2005 och Gott Nytt År 2006