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Hey! I've descided that this page is going to be reconstructed!!! So within the next little while...This page is going to be under extreme contruction! So watchout for falling bricks!

Fantine's Clopin Page

Who is Clopin you ask?

He is none other then the King of the Gypsies and one of the stars of Disney's 34th full length animated feature, The Hunchback of Notre Dame!
I am the one of his loyal subjects...I am Fantine Desler user of the ancient art of Magick and acrobat extroadinaire! I welcome you to my humble home within the Court of Miracles..A place where us Gypsies are safe from Judge Claude Frollo, who whould amazingly be my father.

So your curious now about this tale? If you would like to learn more about me and my backround..Scroll down to the Fanfic page and enjoy!

Please tell me about yourself and what you think of my page!
Viewmy Dreambook.. Signmy Dreambook..

My Fanfiction Page!

Here you can read the fiction that I have completed! I'm always opened to suggestions..So if you have an idea that would make a really cool story..Don't hesitate to e-mail me!

See Fantine's Picture

Pictures of me in Europe!

During the Easter Break of 1998, I traveled to Europe. Here are some pictures of me and my friends..More to be posted eventually..

My Links page!

This will lead you to other Clopin and awsome Hunchback of Notre Dame related sites.

Clopin's Gypsy Band Forum

Here you will be able to talk to other Clopin, Hunchback of Notre Dame and Disney Freaks that are around on the net!
( Maintained by Shiri )

Some awards my page has won!

THe Phoenix Gate

This Hunchback Ring page is maintained byJessica Cooper
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