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Mania Of Ungod

I am Ungod. My beliefs differ from those of the norm. I like to think of myself not quite a savior, but as someone who wants to open the minds of man. I believe man should embrace its emotions, and create insted of destroy. Thoughts jumble through my noggin' and I need an outlet. I chose then, to make a website. I'm going to make a little disclaimer now.

**The thoughts and opinions in this website are those of Ungod and Co. . If you do not like these thoughts..well then..its your fault for coming here..go cry to mommy.**

So sit right back, and you will hear a tale a tale of a...wait no. You will read my thoughts and thoughts of my friends. Feel free to send me stuff you would like to see posted or e-mail me just for the hell of it.

Last Updated: 1/25/00

Updated: As the first update in the new year, I thought I'd introduce a new contributer to my website. Everyone meet Minion, be nice he's young. "HeaDnOiZes", "Poetry", "Stories"

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About Ungod
Ungod asks....
