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Black, Black Americans, Cape Verde, Black Inventors Contributions, Best Links On The WEB.

Salude`To The Following Brothers And Sisters!

I will be updating and adding new LINKs to this page frequently,so come back often..
"SALUTE"To the following BROTHERs and SISTERs,
and THANX for their contributions to the WORLD.
Welcome,this is the first phase of the construction of this page.
It will grow according to schedule,
and completion will be celebrated with an invitation to view
very exciting content,and links to many sites of interest to all,
especially those of the "African American",and Minority cultures online,everywhere.
So,stay tuned,and watch the progress,it will leap in bounds,
touching topics such as current events,cultural givens,educational,and life related links..
This will be a page you will want to return to often,so Bookmark this site.

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By John M.Pinto.

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"Life is a journey,Enjoy the ride."

Here's alittle "Food For Thought";

When you feel that you can't make a difference, remember.............

This is a story about a group of people
who were fed up with African Americans, so they joined together
and decided to wish us away.
After wishing so hard, they found themselves in a sort of twilight zone
where there was an America without black people.
At first these "visionaries" breathed a sigh of relief.

At last, they say, no more crime, drugs, violence and welfare.
All the blacks have gone!! It makes you wonder...
Where would America be without us??

There would be very few crops that would have flourished because
the nation was built on a slave-supported system.
There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because
Alexander Miles, a black man, invented the elevator,
and without it one finds great difficulty reaching high floors.

There are few if any cars because Richard Spikes, a black man,
invented the automatic gear shift,
Joseph Gammel, also black, invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines,
and Garret A. Morgan invented the traffic signals.
Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit system because its precursor was the electric trolley,
which was invented by another black man, Elbert R. Robinson.

Even if there were streets on which cars and a rapid transit system could operate,
they were cluttered with paper because an African American,
Charles Brooks, invented the street sweeper.

There were few if any newspapers, magazines and books because
John Love invented the pencil sharpener, William Purvis invented the fountain pen,
Lee Burridge invented the type writing machine and W A. Lovette invented the advanced printing press.
They were all black.

Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and books,
they would not have been transported by mail because
William Barry invented the postmarking and canceling machine,
William Purvis invented the handstamp and Philip Downin invented the letter drop.

The lawns were brown and wilted because Joseph Smith invented the lawn sprinkler
and John Burr the lawn mower.

When they entered their homes, they found them to be poorly ventilated and heated.
You see, Frederick Jones invented the air conditioner and Alice Parker the heating furnace.

Their homes were also filthy because Thomas W. Stewart invented the mop and Lloyd P. Ray the dust pan.

Their children met them at the door barefooted, shabby, motley and unkempt.
But what could one expect, Jan E. Matzelinger invented the shoe lasting machine,
Walter Sammons invented the comb, Lydia O. Newman invented the brush,
Sarah Boone invented the ironing board and George T. Samon invented the clothes dryer.

Finally, they were resigned to at least have dinner amidst all of this turmoil.
But here again, the food had spoiled because another black man,
John Standard invented the refrigerator.
No light to eat their spoiled meal
because the filament within the light bulb was invented by a black man.

OKay, Want more ?? Try this "NEW"state of the arts "Search Engine",
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GOD's Amazing Grace and He Is Risen, John M.Pinto

John 3:16 The Walk, "Jesus' WALK", "GOD's Amazing Grace".

Also see Part 2, "He Is Risen".

He Is Risen, Part 2, The Sequel, John M.Pinto
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Anybody know of anything that would enhance this page,please,
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with the world.
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Food For The Soul.
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Some Of The Most Beautiful And Inspirational Sites
On The Internet, Today.

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Innocent Angel
Innocent Angel

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Some Of My Other Pages

The Journey Through Life, Is Like
A Train Ride
Around The World.
Click Here To Learn about "THE STATION".
"Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination, Enjoy The Ride."

These Are Several Of My Other Pages.
A Day At The Beach Devil's Deeds Satire The Lord My Shepard Amazing Grace Prayer Lessons In Life
Single Womans Prayer Black Wealth Info The Slow Dance Of Life Black Contributions All About Me

Tributes To Some Of Our Heros And Saints.

Heros Tributes.

Click On Images To See These Fine Beautiful Tributes.

Is the Lady really a Black Woman?
The "Statue Of Liberty" is She really a Black Woman? Click image To Find Out!

Find Out About Email Chain Letters, Click Here!!

Some Of My Other Pages

The AntiTimer, for AoL and Compuserve..
Prayer For The People Of Littleton Colo..
Fathers Day Tribute To My DaD.
Tragedy At Columbine High.
Prayer For The Angels Of Columbine High
EveryBody is A SomeOne in My Mind, take a peek into my mind..
LINKs to All My SITEs. Worth The Trip.
LINKs to Cape Verde and Black America
Family, Friends, and MORE GREAT LINKs to Cape Verde and Other Great LINKs.
The "LAST LAUGH", and "New Bedford's FINEST".
Some Of My Favorite LINKs.

The Black World Today
Everything Black Page.
MORE on BLACK INVENTIONs and BLACK WOMEN's Accomplishments..
BLACK PEOPLE, Great Site..
Welcome To Africam, See Africa Live-Cam.
Black Family Technology Awareness Week
Cryptographs: People of Color in Black and White
ICQ Contact List - Black On Black Network
Lyrical Genious.
Welcome to the MelaNet's Kwanzaa Information Center
All Things Kenyan-FOOD.
The Middle Passage Monument Project
For Lovers Only, African American, Black, Minority, People of Color
Infonation: Choose Countries
MINORITIES' JOB BANK - Career & Lifestyle Site For People Of Color
Black Facts Online!
Soul Food Online.
For the Record 1997: Human Rights in the U.N. System
Electric Library Personal Edition

Click for New Bedford, Massachusetts Forecast

Daily Horoscope
What's your sign?

Get Your Daily Horoscope Right Here.

Now, here are some super cool LINKs for everybody.Please Send me yours.
This popular list of *Cool Web Links* has been circulating around the internet,
forwarded from friend to friend to friend. If you have an internet link which you think is GREAT & COOL, then send it to me and I will gladly add it to this Site. Click on the LINK to the left (Click Here)to get to the site described.

Click Here. FREE Computer Games, Samples, Demos, Freebies galore. Mostly fun stuff, all free. Lots of neat trinkets given away.

Click Here. Free Satellite photos of every spot in the U.S. Just keep clicking on your geographic location until you can see your own backyard!

Click Here Snoop around for the juicy dirt on your enemies, neighbors, boss, etc... A nosy person's dream.

Click Here Those lovable scamps, Linky & Dinky, find the DARNdest Web Links, and compile them for us in a highly disorganized, scattershot manner... from the brainy, to the bizarre, to the obtuse, Linky & Dinky rule! Always a FUN stop. Don't miss the Magic Trick, it's a DOOZY!

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Click Here Some people will believe anything, and this site is proof. All your favorite urban legends debunked.

Click Here The UFO Black Vault - "The largest databases of United States government documents pertaining to the UFO phenomenon."

Click Here The Gravity Society has a pending patent on anti-gravity technology, and this site has a handful of scientific papers regarding experiments and findings.

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Click Here "Scientific Frontiers" - hundreds of online articles on strange natural (and unnatural) phenomena.

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Click Here Official government explanation of the Roswell UFO incident.

Click Here REAL scientists, talking about REAL science. Like inventing warp drives so they can be like those cool guys on Star Trek. If you go faster than the speed of light, could you come back and marry your own grandmother?

Click Here The Annals of Improbable Research, presenters of the Ig Nobel prize. Also featuring Anatomical charts of Barney, etc...

Click Here Does an Atomic Flashlight sound like a good idea? It did to inventor Harvey W. Bailey. Find out more here, and perhaps you can be the next curator of the Harvey W. Bailey Museum.

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