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Poisonous Christian Hate Sites- What do we do?

Christians are not our enemies. Some of my very best friends are Christians. But unfortunately, some Christians have decided it's their duty to God to jump online and spread mis-information about us. The question is what do we do about it?

Many people jump up and try to get the hate site taken off the net. I understand this, but I can't agree with it. They have as much right to free speech as we do. If we try and take theirs away, we are just working to take away our own. They should have the right to say what they want.

Many people take it on themselves to sign the guestbooks of these sites with hateful, angry messages. This is not only silly, but actually hurts the Wiccan community. Most of the page owners jump at the chance to openly post "proof" that wiccans are hateful, evil people. You are feeding into this Mythos. Please don't do this.

So what do we do? Well, for starters, post messages on their guestbooks that debunk the slander, but be polite, well spoken, and even friendly. We all know that we aren't going to change the site owner's mind- but those who view the guest book may be more open minded. If you're angry, you can make it clear you're angry at the lies, but DON'T insult, or swear at the site owner.

Also, start your own WebPages to educate the world about what we really are. You don't need to know HTML, I don't. Many servers have the option to work in a basic program that sets everything up for you.

Never belittle the beliefs of these folks, or tell them they are wrong. The basics of the religion are the same as us; it's the execution of the faith we protest.

Don't threaten them with evil spells or claim to have great occult power. It makes you look silly, and it's not true. We all know that magic is a much subtler thing than Mickey Mouse's Fantasia performance.

I Want to supply the reader with a list of some Hate Sites that I think are important for us to read so that we understand what we must work to dispell. Please don't use this as a list to harrass these site- this isn't what I'm putting this up for

The power that we have, everyone has- Wiccan and non-wiccan alike. It is the power of ourselves, the ability to live well, and modivate ourselves to achive things.

Really, many of the sites are sad. It makes me feel sorry for these folks that they are so afraid of us they must lie to the public to win support. Remember always that they are our brothers and sisters as well, and children of the same mother/father as we. They just use a diffrent name. Even if they don't know it. Respect them, and love them as best you can.

Please work to improve the worlds view of us, rather than hurt the movement.

The favorite Lies of Christian Hate sites

Christian Hate Pages

The Perilous Times
This is what they think we are.
More Misinformation
Why they believe witches are babykillers
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