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In Memory of Larry Pizzano Jr. 1977-1998

When the people you love are taken from you, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. -The Crow

This page is in memory of one of my best friends, Larry Pizzano Jr. Larry died on November 13 from a form of Lymphoma after a nearly year long battle with the cancer. He was 21. Larry was the greatest of friends- someone who was always there when we needed him. He was brave and kind and never lost his laughter. He loved us as we were and never minded our flaws. He loved THE CROW, like I did, and always identified with Eric's great love for both Sarah and Shelly. He played the sweetest blues guitar I ever heard, and loved Stevie Ray Vaughn. He was my more my brother than my friend, he always made sure everything was alright for me.I want the world to know an angel has slipped back into heaven.
We miss you, buddy bear.

I'm trying not to move, it's just your ghost passing through. -Tori Amos

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