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Wiccan Holidays

You may be surprised to find out that Halloween is not the only holiday Wiccans observe. In fact, we have eight major days we set-aside for celebration and rejoicing. Here, I will expalin the meaning and share some of the traditions of our holidays

Now, keep in mind that some Wiccans observe more holidays than these. We will often mix in holidays celebrated by the culture at large, and sometimes holidays that were observed by the various cultures we borrow some of our practices from. For example, I know a Chinese American Wiccan, who observes the 8 main holidays, all the American holidays (including Christmas) and all of the traditional Chinese days (including Kwan Yin’s holy day) Wow! That girl’s calendar is packed!

So have a look through. I will add holidays as they come up. Seeing as today is Oct 29 (when I’m writing this) I’ll start with Halloween.

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