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Check These Out!

~Personal Wesites I Like~

The History of Abney Webpage

You See Me's WebPage

The Slayer's Page

Becky's Unofficial Emily of New Moon HomePage

~My Favorite Music Artists~

The Official Randy Travis Site

Jamie MacKay & The Great Beyond

Cynthia MacLeod

Aselin Debison

The Cottars

Jimmy Rankin

Nathan Wiley

Lennie Gallant

{Lila McCann}

~Other sites I like!~


Roughstock Country Music

Guernsey Cove Parlour Productions/

Montague Regional High School

Weather for PEI, Canada

~Some of my favorites~

Jamie MacKay

Cynthia MacLeod

Nathan Wiley

UPDATEED March 21 08
Today is

!Randy Travis - the best of country singers!
The VOICE of Country Music!!!
The New Album

Any of Randy Travis' albums are worth checking out if you havn't already.

Matt's Photos

Why don't you ckeck out my links!!

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I really enjoy listing to music, and I don't just listen to anybody either, cause some music I don't care for at all. Everything on my site here is my favorite music!! So if u have any questions, e-mail me at the bottom of the screen!!


Since Jan. 10/03