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1. Have the Courage to Do Right

The right thing is seldom easy and doing right often entails suffering. A Legionnaire must prepare him/herself to sacrifice wealth, pride, and personal safety for the greater Good. When trying to determine the right thing to do, a Legionnaire should remember the following :a)Personal preferences carry no weight-No task is beneath a Legionnaire's dignity if it brings about a Good end. b)When faced with two alternatives, choose the plan most likely to succeed. c)Sometimes one must harm another to achieve a right and Good result


2. Know Yourself

A Legionnaire must understand his own weaknesses, limitations, and foibles. To attempt a task one is not suited for is to invite failure and failure leads to unnecessary suffering. In addition : a)Self deception is more dangerous than any sword or serpent's tooth. b)A Legionnaire should never choose a course of action out of greed, fear, ignorance, or laziness. c)The difference between heroism and villainy lies in how strongly self interest guides one's thinking.


3. Respect Virtue

Legionnaires should respect virtue, and only virtue, whereever they may find it. Station and power do not command respect, wisdom and character do-in any who posses them. Beware the power of misdirected virtue. An enemy with courage,loyalty, cunning, and persistance is deadly, and often underestimated.


4.Stay Alert

Be skeptical, but consider what truths might hide within each lie. Live every moment as though it could be your last.


5. Everyone Deserves Justice

Justice is a two-edged sword. It punishes the thief, the murderer, the cheater, the liar, and the glutton. However, it also brings compassion to those who have been robbed, injured, cheated, misled, or deprived. Justice must seek to heal wounds as vigorously as it seeks to bring vengeance. Justice is as generous as it is rutheless


6. Never Give Up

Only death ends a Legionnaire's struggle. The world will always hold battles to be fought for justice. A Legionnaire may set aside an unfinished task, but never forget it. Patience and Wisdom can win the day after passion and ingenuity have failed.


This is our Legacy. Read well, for this is the Code by which you must live, and die, as a member of our clan. There is much wisdom here, and many of these lessons have been taught by cruel time and circumstance. When the questions do arise, and they surely shall, remember this Code, for it will serve you more surely than any blade ever forged.
