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The Elders of our clan are wise in the ways of war and leadership. Should you ever be in need, come to them and they shall assist you. Our Elders have travelled long, across many hard roads, and their wisdom is matched with equal might. Respect those superior to you, not from fear, but in acknowledgement of the beasts felled and glories of our leaders. Patience is among their strongest of virtues, but do not test it, for the wise do not suffer fools, especially of the insolent breed.

These things said, read the roll of our Elders, and know that each name holds with it untold glories.

Quintalas Drakos (Noble Elder)

"What we cannot do ourselves, we can do with others. As one, we are united and strong."

Fanin Gowllyn (Grand Druid)

"The world of Krynn is our domain, do not allow others to tread upon it."

Faja Crimsoncrow (Head Barbarian)

-Chief War Advisor

Pariman Mantho (ArchMagus)


Raal (Senior Cleric)


Sabin MacLirr (Lord Paladin)


Sentholas Solanthas (Master Thief)

"Knowledge is a three edged sword. Knowledge contains both sides of the story. Somewhere in the middle is the truth."

Delimare Toril (High Warrior)

