Gedstern Gabs!

We are so happy to bring you an exclusive interview with Sarah Brown! (ex-Carly) Come see what a fan fave has been up to!

Also, visit Sarah's Official Site for the newest news! Sarah Brown ON Line

First of all, you will be on "Birds of Prey" play a baddie. How was that? Did you use some of your old VR Trooper moves?

Had a great time with the cast and crew of Birds of Prey. What a great group of people. Especially had fun with Ashley Scott and Shemar Moore. They took me under their proverbial wings and made me feel right at home. You will see me playing strip poker, wielding a big gun, and riding a killer motorcycle. I worked night shoots all 8 days of the episode so my call was always after 8 PM and we would finish the day around 7am the next morning. Brutal, but exciting. I got a few cool bruises to do show and tell for all my friends.

If you could direct one episode of one TV show, which would you choose and why?

I would direct an episode of The Sopranos. It's my favorite show on TV. I just adore the work of all the actors who play on it. On network TV I would go for ER or West Wing. Also great actors and complex material to work with.

Where do you stash those emmy's???

On top of my stand up Yamaha piano. The shiny black provides a great contrast to the gold statues.

Do you keep in touch with anyone from your GH days?

No can't say I do. Not for any reason other than we are all so busy, with our separate careers and lives it makes getting together difficult when you don't see each other everyday.

Saw some pics of you at a club opening in LA....(Key Club?)...what's your favorite hot spot in town?

In the Valley I like Firefly. But I don't go out to clubs much, I love The Hollywood Bowl...mostly find great holes in the wall for food and drink.

What would you like your fans to know about up and coming projects?

After a much needed hiatus of 9 months, I am rejuvenated and ready to take on the task at hand. I will be seeking out lead roles in new TV shows come January (pilot season). And I continue to work hard toward my dream of making a name for myself in the feature world as well. I'll keep you posted!!! Thanks for you support.

THANKS so much....!

My pleasure, Karen, anytime :)~Sarah Brown

This interview is under copywrite by Gedstern/Canfield 10/21/2002. It may not be copied unless specific written permission is obtained. You may however, link to our site at:

A big thank you to Jen!


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