Gabbing with Gedstern!

TODAY'S GUEST: Julian Stone! (Jerry Jacks)
Please visit The Julian Stone Official Fan Club

Fans certainly miss you on GH. What have you been up to since?

I've been busy being an actor - I was recently in Rome shooting a movie with Mary-Kate and Ashley that comes out on video at Christmas (as you can imagine, it made me very popular with my two little girls! ) I also dusted off my keyboard and my writing skills, and I currently have three screenplays bouncing around Hollywood.

Do you keep in touch with any of the cast members?

Hollywood can be a surprisingly small town so I do "bump" into other cast members at auditions, screenings, etc...and Jackie Z. and I manage to grab lunch every couple of months or so.

Give us one of your favorite GH memories:

Aaaah, lots of fun memories...Cancun was a good laugh when Ingo and I had a Fan Club weekend down there and he and I went head-to-head over a soccer ball!!

You and Ingo came across as real brothers on the screen! Did he help you with that Aussie accent you did?

When I arrived on the GH set, I had already worked extensively with an Aussie accent so we didn't really need to work on the accent, but just on bringing the Jacks brothers to life. It was important to me that the accent wasn't be too hard or provincial as Jerry is definitely something of the international jetsetter.

What's your favorite American food?

I do love to eat and try different foods so this answer would always be changing... I'm a spicy food fan so I do like Cajun cooking and I'm always ready for a good burger (You can often catch me whizzing through In "n' Out Burger here in California!)

Fosters or Bass?

It has to be Bass - it is a better beer ( my humble opinion!) and, for me, its a little touch of home.

"Jax" is supposed to get married AGAIN soon on GH...what would big brother Jerry say to him as advice??

Jerry's advice to Jax on his wedding day would be ..."Whatever you do, don't invite the Feds!"

There has been a number of cast changes since the new regime took over. Any interest in returning as Jerry Jacks in the future?

As I have said in the past, I had a terrific time playing Jerry and, with the character having so much potential, it did feel a little like unfinished business when he was forced out of town. So, yes, I would be interested in bringing him to life again but I would need to feel that that there was a commitment to the story and to the character's integrity.

A giant THANK you to you from Gedstern's GH Site....we certainly wish you all the best and would really love to see you back on daytime soon!

Thanks for your questions...and hello to all the Jerry fans out there!

NOTE: Copywrite 2002; Gedstern/Canfield. No part of this interview may be copied unless express written permission is granted


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