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FAQ Page

Some of our most Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Who is Tanya??? (from the "Kinda Wicked Buddies" Page) Is she single??? Will she BLEEP me??? etc.

A: Tanya is one of Mish's best friends since elementary school. NO she is NOT single. and NO she will not...


Q: Where did you guys come up with your name, "Kinda Wicked"?

Well our name can really have many different meanings. In a literal sence, it can mean that we all (as does everyone) have a liiiiittle bit of "wicked" in us, whether we like to admit it or not. Also, being from the boston area, the word "Wicked" has another meaning. It can mean "really", or "very". (EXAMPLE: Wicked Cool!, Wicked Awesome!) So if you think about it, our name is an Oximoron. "Kinda Really" or "Kinda Very"? See what I mean? The words contradict each other. So there is the Kinda Wicked tale of our name...


Q: What Instrument does each band member play?

Mish plays rhythm guitar. Liz plays keyboard/piano (she's GREAT! She has been playing for almost 8 years!) and Vic...I guess we can say he's the drummer for the time being. Once we find a perminent drummer he will be soley a back-up singer.


Are you looking for any new members?

In a word...YES! We would like another female back-up singer (HAS to be able to sing suprano, and it would be a plus if she could play LEAD guitar) We are also looking for a base guitarist (male or female), but its not a high priority. If you are interested in any of these positions, Live in the Boston area, and meet the qualifications, please email us and we'll get in touch ASAP! :)


When will you guys record CD?

I'm sorry to say the soonest we would be able to release a CD would be NEXT summer. That is our goal. Right now we do not have enough material, and especially not enough funds to do it! :)


Are you guys EVER going to get sound clips on the page??

YES! lol Our first sound-clip is finally up! Check it out on the "Kinda Wicked Lyrics" page, under "No Sympathy".


Why can't I get the sound-clips to work?!

Well first of all, SETTLE DOWN SPANKY! Deep breaths....deeeeep breaths. Noooow, the problem you have is that you probably need to download "Windows Media Player". You seem like a smart kid, you can figure out how to download it.:)


I know we've never personally met, but will you put *my* picture on the "Kinda Wicked Buddies" page???

SURE! :) To us, The word "friend" and "fan" are practically interchangable! Any fan of ours is considered a friend also. Just send one of us (or all of us) a scanned photo of yourself, and we'll gladly put it up on the page!


Whos car is the "Kinda Wicked Mobile?

The "Kinda Wicked Mobile" is Mish's 98 Camaro. (which she pays for BY HERSELF! and which makes her BROKE! but anywaaaay) Everyone says it looks a little like the "Bat Mobile", and we use it to get to all our gigs...hence..the "Kinda Wicked Mobile".

©1999 Kinda Wicked