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Janbouree Essay Contest!

We are offering a doe kid as a prize to the winner of our essay contest. Eligibility - The essay must be about "Goats". Entrants must be under the age of 18 years. Entrants must have parental consent. Content - Please include your name, address and age. Essays will be judged on Content, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Judging will be done by an impartial party. (TBA) Winner is responsible for any shipping costs the shipment of the doe kid may incur.

Why are we offering a doe kid??? We are simply returning a favor. Our first goat was a Nubian whether that I won in an essay contest many years ago. The Nubian whether didn't stay very long - it didn't take us to long to realize that we needed a doe if we were going to show in 4-H. So we proceeded to buy what was probably structurally, the worst possible goat we could find. A two year old Alpine doe. Our next purchase was an udder support for this doe. Now for reference sake - this Alpine did not like me very much at this time. I literally dragged her around the showring (or perhaps she dragged me) for a number of years, placing consistently last. --- Now 23 years later I've built up a beautiful herd of Toggenburgs and I'd like to offer a youngster the same chance that I had been given. Well, a little different - this doe I'm offering is the maternal grand daughter of the '97 reserve national Togg champion. A bit different than a Nubian whether. ----- Now for those of you that are wondering..... what happend to my Alpine doe???? Why she lived a wonderful life - we eventually came to a truce, I believe that by the time she was put down at 15 years of age, she liked me a bit. She was the grandam of the '93 rec grade Jr. champ - who in turn was the dam of the '96 rec grade res. jr. champ. All leading up to the 2000 National show where the first place 2yr. old, first udder recorded grade is the 5th generation decendant of my old Alpine. The doe who I purchased an udder support for.

Essays must be emailed to or snail mailed by 4/15/01.

We have recieved 98 Essays!!!

  • The winner will be notified on or about 4/20/01
  • Since we have recieved so many essays....
  • We may award a second place kid.
  • Good Luck to those who have participated!!

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