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Circle Unity webring -- HTML code
Here is the code for the Circle Unity Webring. Add this HTML fragment to your page once you have submitted the form. Once you have done so, email me (Thierry) and tell me it's up so you can be part of the wonderful webring! yay! Don't forget to substitute YOUR_CLUB_NAME, YOUR_EMAIL and YOUR_ID
<center><table border=3><TR> <TD><a href=""> <img src="" width=120 border=0></a></TD> <TD align="center" valign="center"><a href="mailto:YOUR_EMAIL">YOUR_CLUB_NAME</a> of Circle Unity<br>owns this site. <br>[ <a href=";id=YOUR_ID;prev">Previous</a> | <a href=";id=YOUR_ID;next">Next</a> | <a href=";list">List Sites</a> | <br> <a href="">Join the CU webring</a> ]</center> </TD> <TD><a href=""> <img src="" border=0></a></TD> </TR></TABLE>