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How to create a Windows 2000/Windows 98 Bootable CD

First of all I would suggest you visit Bart's website. This site has complete information on how to create bootable CDs. This is an abridged version of Bart's Way To Make A Bootable CD .

You need these files in order to make a bootable CD. All the software you find here is free. Since you obviously cannot write a CD with free software only, a couple of things are also required. The only other things you need are a CD-Recorder and a CD-R(W)/blank CD-R 


Software Required : 

1. cdrpack v1.2  (Software to make and build an ISO9660 image)

2. diskemu v1x  (Disk Emulator and Boot loader)

3. diskemu add-on

4. Win2k Boot-Sector 

5. Win98SE Boot image

6. jo.sys    (Inject this file into Win98se boot image. This makes the CD wait for user response before booting. Like a true Win2k CD)


The Steps are :

1. Create a folder called "Diskemu".

2. Extract  cdrpack v1.2, diskemu v1x and  diskemu add-on to the "Diskemu" folder using Winzip. If you use pkunzip, make sure you expand the subdirectories using the -d option.

The tree should look like this :

Volume in drive E is STORAGE
Volume Serial Number is 3B29-EF43

Directory of E:\Diskemu

07/01/2001     12:26p <DIR>         .
07/01/2001     12:26p <DIR>         ..
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>         bin
07/03/2001     02:29p             92  run.bat
07/03/2001     02:27p          4,801 main.bat
07/09/2001     04:45p          1,298 cdrpack.txt
11/07/2000     09:21p         18,009 gnugpl.txt
07/09/2001     09:21a             681 readme.txt
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          diskem1x
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          demumgr
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          eltorito
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          loader
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          deload
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          cds
07/19/2001     05:06p <DIR>          lib
07/19/2001     05:16p <DIR>          tmp
07/20/2001     11:32a    &nbs>                    11 Dir(s) 476,391,424 bytes free

3. Add the I386 folder and all its subdirectories (from the original Win2k CD) to the "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder under the main "Diskemu" folder. Also don bytes free

3. Add the I386 folder and all its subdirectories (from the original Win2k CD) to the "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder under the main "Diskemu" folder. Also don't forget to add all the files in the root of the win2k CD.

4. Add the Win98 folder add all its subdirectories ( from the original Windows (* CD) to the "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder under the main "Diskemu" folder.

5. Unzip/extract Win2k Boot-Sector  to the "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder under the main "Diskemu" folder.

6. Open the Win98SE Boot image with Winimage and save the image as win98.ima in  "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder under the main "Diskemu" folder.

7. Replace the diskemu.cmd in the "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder under the main "Diskemu" folder, with this deskemu.cmd . You can edit this file to customize you boot options. Also edit the "build.mak" file in the "cds\diskemu" to change the preparer's name and Volume label and things like that.

8. Add any other files/folders you want to the "cds\diskemu\disk1" folder like drivers and Win2k SP2 and utils. Make sure the size doesn't exceed 650 mb.

9.  Have a blank CD-R media ready to write the CD. I would choose a CD-R(W) if I were you.

10. Execute the run.bat under the folder "Diskemu" folder. It will check for the ASPI layer presence and the prompt you with a DOS window.

1. Choose "BUILD and RUN". (It will also configure your writer on the first usage)

2. Choose "Diskemu"


Sit back and relax while it does everything.