Helping To Find God's Little Angels

Helping to Find God's Little Lost Angels, One Soul At A Time

My child listen and do not fear,

What I have to say only you can hear,

Yes this voice is someone who loved you dearly,

I want you to know, that I can see you clearly,

Dry your eyes and wipe away that tear,

I will always be there, yet not quite so near,

There is an important message that I need for you to understand,

Even from here one can lend a helping hand.....

Robert Beau

Every day hundreds upon thousands of children wind up missing, our angels on earth. Some get home and unfourtunatley some don't; but that never stops us from giving up the fight. How many times have you looked at your own child, or a child in your life and thanked God for your precious angel? We are only one of the millions of web sites that are now on the web to help find the lost babies of the world. We cannot put everything on our pages but we can put links to as much as we can find. You will find links to other resources for finding missing children, links to other web sites for missing children, and most importantly links to parent's pleas for your help. Some people think that their is nothing that they can do, but their is. Take one moment to look at a child's picture or send a letter of support or make a phone call so that not only will minds be put to rest but someone's Angel will be back asleep at home in their bed.

Missing Angels PhotosClick on the Angel to blow on to the next page
Other Web Sites Dedicated to Helping find the World's Missing Angels

Missing Children Society of Canada Links to Missing Persons Sites

Missing Kids Virtual Library Children Missing Organization

Police Pages Missing Persons More Links

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Rescue a Child Missing Children Resources

California Clearinghouse Missing Children Clearinghouse State Links

Numbers to Use
Report a missing child, or notify someone if you have seen one of the children featured on any of these pages
1-800-I AM LOST or 1-800-462-5678
1-800-THE LOST or 843-5678
1-800-FIND KID
1-800-782-SEEK or 1-800-782-7335

This guestbook has been placed here so that parents and friends of children who are missing may make entries about their children. Of course we would still like to hear from you and get your thoughts on our page even if you are blessed to have your child in your home. And please do take the time to read our entries because you may just be the soul to save one of these angels.

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Is your Angel missing??? Send us a picture in my email and we will place their picture here!


This Christmas All Year Long site is owned by
Malina, Founder for AngelsAround

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