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Magazine and Catologs, and Clothing!

Hi! My name is Ali, and welcome to my home page. I really hope that you like the links that I have set up for you1 I'll keep updating this page, adding more links, and somewhere along the line..... I'll connect you to one of my other pages with even MORE LINKS ! I bet you can't wait! So, keep comeing back to see if there is anything new - okay? Now for a little about ME! I go to Northfield Mount Hermon School (it's a private high school) and I L-O-V-E email..... so email me sometime okay? Promise? Good! WELL, .......... ENJOY AND RETURN!

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Here are the Links!

I don't know about you - but I love J. Crew!
Come take a look around Guess?
I love Dr. Martens shoes!
Look around this cyperspace mall
This place has neato clothes.... come on in1
Moxiegirl: Clothes, Accessories
Delia*s !!!!
