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Breif history: Wolfie boy here was a plane ole wolf, untill he was changed by injection to a massive Were wolf, now were's are usualy rageing beasts who can't be controled, So he was also given an ultra high libdo (Immagin being in heat 24/7) this crule atempt to curbe the anger, has worked however he simply screwed the doctors into submission and escaped to run along his merry way :D ..lol..

Turn OFF's

If you hurt animals, Then something nasty will happen to you, Nuff said!!

Sorry,Not really into inter species

Sorry,If you cant take the time to say You instead of U (basicaly no "cool" people talk)

Sorry,No rape/Pain

Sorry,No mean people

Sorry,No enslavement (Im a wolf,Im suposed to be free)

sorry,No religion talk

What turns me on:

Were Wolves: What can I say, I love em.

Oral: both From and To females and males.

Ferals: it's cool when a dog mounts you.

Milking: I love to be milked espicaly by machines, as well as milk others (if you don't get it, ask).

Orgys: Espicaly two or three .. or more males on a female.

Cumbaths: I love to be bathed in, and shower people with cum.

Cock whorship: Play with me .. you know down There, And don't stop :D

Tenticles,blobs,and Sex machines: all good fun ^.^

Toys: I love to wach and play with Toys (sexual ones.. Duh)

Cocks and boobs: love em big, what can I say?

Lite bondage: Mmmm

Latex: Mmmm