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Wills' Projects: Vi, VIm, and Friends

A Brief History

Historically, vi (the "VIsual editor") is a front end to a family of other editors including 'ex' and 'ed'. These are roughly analogous to DOS' edlin.

vi's sources were originally licensed in such a proprietary way that the only way to have vi on Linux-based systems was to use a clone. The most revered is VIm (Vi IMproved), which amongst other plus points has a "minimal" implementation for use as /bin/vi, and extended features [and a "compatibility" mode] when built for use as /usr/bin/vim and/or /usr/bin/gvim (the GUI version).

Even VIm's "minimal" implementation is a bit bloaty for embedded class systems, however, and the alternative you'll find in use will either be a workalike (BWIM editor with vi key bindings), or the vi applet belonging to the 'busybox' utility. As one might suspect, busybox-vi does not implement everything listed here; in other cases, the behaviour differs in some slight way.


Basic Philosophy

Designed for use over a slow network link, vi is one of the most powerful text editors you will ever use. Because you'll probably very rarely use meta-keys other than shift, you should never need to move your hands far from the 'home' position - making vi incredibly efficient in the hands of a touch typist.


Bare Essentials

vi starts in "command mode" by default, where any keypress performs some operation. Some operations leave vi in command mode, and some enter insert mode - from which the Escape key exits at the end of your text entry. Pressing shift often invokes a related variant of some operations (although sometimes it's a different command entirely) - see notes in brackets.

All vi clones support at least the following:

Keys/Command Behaviour
h,j,k,l Single-character movement [left, down, up, right].
i(I)...<Esc> Insert at cursor (at start of line - ignore spaces).
a(A)...<Esc> Append text [after cursor] (at end of line).
r<c> Replace character under cursor with <c>
s...<Esc> Substitute character under cursor for specified text.
x Delete character at cursor [place into cut buffer].
p(P) Paste cut buffer into text after (at) cursor/current line
/...<Enter> Search for specified regexp (use ? for backwards)
n Find next match (N to reverse direction)
u Undo/redo (vi - see Vim Specifics)
^L,^R Redraw editor screen [when background processes have corrupted the display]

Although there are 'vi' commands to save, it's often less confusing to use the 'ex' command line by pressing : in command mode, where the following are useful:

Keys/Command Behaviour
:<n> Go to line <n>
:w Enter 'ex' command mode; save the file.
:wq Enter 'ex' command mode; save file and quit
:q Enter 'ex' command mode; quit (unless not saved)
:q! Enter 'ex' command mode; quit (even if unsaved)
:w! Enter 'ex' command mode; save (if flagged read-only)

All 'vi' commands can be repeated by prefixing a number; for example 10j moves ten characters to the left, and 4r replaces a four-character string [with four copies of the character you specify] - compare and contrast to 4s, whereby insert mode means any alternative text [ie, a replacement string of any length].


Advanced Movement

Keys/Command Behaviour
H,M,L Move cursor to highest/middle/lowest line of screen
<n>gg Go to line <n> [in file]
G move to end of file
^,$ Go to start/end of line (cf. regular expressions)
w,e,b Move forward/back one word
{,},2{,2} Move forward/back one [two] paragraph[s]
m<c> Set marker with name <c>
`<c> Go to mark named <c>
`` Go to position of last change
% Find matching brackets - works for (/),[/],{/}
^D,^U Move up/down half a screenful

Complex Operations

As well as repeating a command by using a numeric prefix, the more complex commands require an "operating region". There is often a default region, which you override by specifying a movement command.

Keys/Command Behaviour
<<,>> Indent or outdent current line
<%,>% Indent or outdent region - eg. block of code.
dd Delete (current line)
3dw Delete three words
cc...<Esc> Change (current line)
c}...<Esc> Rewrite rest of paragraph
yy "Yank" (current line) into cut buffer
3yw,3ye Yank "words" into cut buffer

Miscellany - Cut Buffers

If you've done several delete/change/subsitute/etc commands, 'undo' might not do what you want (especially in 'vi'). There is a ten-level history of such changes, all recoverable with prefixes to p or P [ie., the paste command]. There are also twenty-six lettered buffers, which you can employ at will, viz:

Keys/Command Behaviour
"1p Paste the last change-history buffer (same as p alone)
"<n>P Same, but for buffer <n>
"ayy Yank current line to buffer 'a'
"<c>2yy Yank [two] lines to buffer <c>

Miscellany - Other

Also useful:

Keys/Command Behaviour
:help Help page {VIm only - not a standard 'ex' command}
^G Show current file, file size, whether modified
J Join two lines
K Search the manual pages for keyword under cursor {VIm}
xp (Compound) Swap two characters
eas<Esc> (Compound) Pluralise word
~ Change character case, and move to next
:set nu Short for 'number' - line numbers. (nonu -> off)
:set all Show all settings
:set Show only settings which are not at default
:e! Abandon current changes; reload current file
:e <filename> Load specified file (use e! if current buffer unsaved)
:r <filename> Read (insert) specified file
:n <filenames> Edit each file in turn - add ! as above
:n Short for 'next' - move to next file in list
:prev Short for 'previous' - move back one file in list
:!... Execute command ... in shell
!!... Execute command ...; paste output into current line

VIm Specifics

VIm has a number of extensions which reflect functionality in modern text editors, including multi-level undo. Relevant controls include:

Keys/Command Behaviour
u Undo (always)
U Undo/redo (as per u in classic vi)
^R Redo (beware your terminal reacting to ^R)
:set compatible Turn (most) VIm extensions off
:set ff=unix Force VIm to save with unix newlines (for DOS files)
:split Enter split-screen mode, filename optional. :qa quits editor
^Wj,^Wk Move up/down between 'split' windows

Use ANY browser NS vim IE Lynx
William Towle (, 05/11/2004