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Hello !

Welcome to my Web Begging World!!!

My name is Vlad, I am 39 years old. This is my sad story …

This is me, October 2002, Pensacola, Florida

I have seen many people wishing that others would give them money. I have often times wanted to help these people, but have been in no position financially to help anyone but myself. But all that changed recently. And not for the better.
I am not some bum who does not want to work and is so unskilled no one will touch me.
I am a programmer with experience in web design and computer programming in general. But all that means nothing when you are without a job.

Why don't you just wait until you get a job?

Unfortunately, with the economy the way it is who knows when we will get jobs. There have been hiring freezes and people being laid off left, right and center here.

As I said before, I am a programmer.
The official name of the courses I took is Visual Basic programming and WEB design. However, that career is one of long terms of unemployment, so I would much rather be a full time web designer/maintainer.
I used to teach web design at a computer college in Canada where I grew up. I had heard that in the US, Canadians with tech skills were being offered jobs, but coming here after the election (or was it the robbery) I found the country slinking towards economic recession. Anyway, I got a job offer (permanent position in Pensacola, Florida). After September 11 my boss kicked me out and since that terrible date, I am unemployed. Why? My boss was born in Saudi Arabia. In a private discussion of September 11 I told him I am very proud of USA & Canada. I am sure USA must punish Saudi Arabia because 15 of 19 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia. In couple of days he kicked me out. Maybe I did not have to say like that. However, it is my opinion.
I spent all my savings, I have no apartment. I am looking for job vie Internet in a public libraries, but still unemployed. I had few interviews but did not pass I guess because I do not have suit for the job interview (look at my photo above).
I hate to beg but I have no choice, sorry.

Why should you donate to me?

Well, I need it. I am not asking for all your money, I am not the government after all. Just a few dollars, some spare change you can send me. Every little bit adds up. Contrary to what the Wall Street Journal would have you believe, us poor people are not lucky with so little money. I am starving and worried about having a place to live. If you would like to contact me about more significant donations, or other ways you can help, please, feel free to email me at this address and I will be sure to get back to you.

Thank you for your time and consideration,


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