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Last Update: Successful


  Site Update - BrandonD

December 25, 2001

The new Undergr0undx is now out. Thanx to some help from others. I have found a new layout for our site and I will be formatting constantly to keep it working. The site is still the same, but we will be changing a little.. Thanx.


  Screen Shots - BrandonD

December 24, 2001

I just added some Screen Shots of my IRC script which I just got personalized the way I like it. The script is still under work and I have some things to change and fix. Hope you like them.


  Forum - BrandonD

December 10, 2001

Sup? We got our forum going again and we have some moderators. Please post your comments and we will be getting back to you ASAP. Please make sure you post your messages under the correct topics!
